Now that the World Cup is over...


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Someone EXPLAIN why the players sometimes roll around pretending to be terribly injured.


Let's fuck some shit up
It's a tactic which might gain them free kicks and/or gain penalties against the other team. This game was a perfect example of real injuries gaining real penalties and the outcome thereof. Both teams were literally kicking the shit out of eachother and gained a TON of yellow cards. Eventually, it was Holland's downfall, as they were down a man in the last part of the game. Which, ultimately, resulted in the Spanish goal.


Let's fuck some shit up
Granted... the diving can be a bit much at times.

Yet, show me an NBA game where you don't see guys diving every time the guy with possession comes near them, and I'll show you a team of honest players.

I'm just glad that FIFA will never go the way of the NBA by adding a shot clock. Probably the stupidest addition I've seen to any professional sport.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I didn't know they did that in basketball too. They should all have to take a ball to the nuts when they fake it.


Let's fuck some shit up
Yeah, they do it to force the refs to call a charging foul, which can force a turnover. If the fouling player is in foul trouble, it can get them ejected from the game.

Frankly, I really dislike basketball. Too many rules and the scores are stupid high.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
It's kinda boring to watch on TV, golf is more exciting. GOLF.


Staff member
Diving is part of the game. At this level gaining any advantage is massively important and being honest doesn't really pay off.


beer, I want beer
Diving is basically cheating, and is a big part of the reason Americans can't get behind the sport. In real football, guys basically have to lose body parts before they'll fall down, and even then they have to be coerced to stay down while the medic does his job. And a player going out on a boddy board is serious, life threatening business.

In soccer, it's a ploy to ice the game, cool a player on a tear for the goal, or eat up time that they may get back after the game officially ends or to force a shootout etc.

Finding loopholes in the rules system is not "part of the game" it's little more than cheating. I like the skill the athletes bring to the table, and I respect guys who put everything out there like what happened today, but stupid flopping is stupid...


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Just like wrestlers!


Be patient till the last.
diving is a cardable offence in footy. period. It's not "part of the game". It is cheating.
There are cheaters in all sports including all the ones Americans play, so dont give me that shit about "that's why Americans can't get behind the sport", Donovan.
And ya might wanna check the numbers regarding how many children are playing soccer in America, m'k?



Let's fuck some shit up
Dono, diving isn't isolated to soccer. Like I said, the NBA is ripe with diving. American football tries to force fouls, too. Frankly, getting the other team to make mistakes which set them back is a part of EVERY sport.


Can I have Ops?
Can someone explain to me those silly hankerchiefs that people throw into the air in American Football?

I mean, grown men throwing hankies at each other? You would never find anything that effeminate in proper football.



I want to smell dark matter


TK addict
In defense of NBA players, they look exponentially more manly when they take a bogus charge. Ice Hockey can send players to the sin bin for diving. It happens everywhere. I do think that soccer is by far the most blatantly obvious about it, and kudos to the English for being one of the last soccer cultures to embrace the tactic.

As to the hanky's used by NFL refs, those things are weighted and can put an eye out...which has actually happened.


Let's fuck some shit up
It may look more obvious because of the player to playing surface ratio. Besides American Football, there isn't a sport that's played on such a large surface.


Someone EXPLAIN why the players sometimes roll around pretending to be terribly injured.

Beczuse as cool as football is; its a shifty, bitchy, winging, game for pussy's.
Hello, 'soccer mom's ' anyone??? cry-babies!! that's a mans game; they happy to admit they tried to pull a shifty; happy to take the punishment for landing a punch to the face.


beer, I want beer
Beczuse as cool as football is; its a shifty, bitchy, winging, game for pussy's.
Hello, 'soccer mom's ' anyone??? cry-babies!! that's a mans game; they happy to admit they tried to pull a shifty; happy to take the punishment for landing a punch to the face.

Hell yeah, Rugby, now there's a sport.


beer, I want beer
Dono, diving isn't isolated to soccer. Like I said, the NBA is ripe with diving. American football tries to force fouls, too. Frankly, getting the other team to make mistakes which set them back is a part of EVERY sport.

Forcing fouls is one thing; flopping over, forcing the med team to come out, slapping a body board and neckbrace on, then coming back in to play later just so the game can be delayed, that's a whole different animal.

As for NBA; they only fall down because they're tired. You know how lazy them colored folks is; they look for any excuse to take a nap. That's why they had to put in a shot clock, them lazy bastards would just dribble the whole day along...


beer, I want beer
diving is a cardable offence in footy. period. It's not "part of the game". It is cheating.
There are cheaters in all sports including all the ones Americans play, so dont give me that shit about "that's why Americans can't get behind the sport", Donovan.
And ya might wanna check the numbers regarding how many children are playing soccer in America, m'k?


Well, yeah. Kids. But I also know how many millions of American kids play foursquare, hopscotch, and tetherball, and you ain't gonna get me to pay to watch them either.

Cheating is a part of every sport, you're absolutely correct. But you are also absolutely correct that it is cheating, and should be dealt with as such.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the World Cup action. But having ambiguous rules in play like "It's only cheating unless it's not" and "the ref can call back goals without even saying why he did it" those are bogus, game-killing rules no matter who the victim is. Every other major sport has made adjustments over the years to keep up with the times, streamline the game or fix obvious flaws. It's time soccer did the same.

PS I call it soccer because that is its official name. I found out that the game was originally soccer everywhere, but the English didn't like the elitist sound of it so they referred to it as football. We would have too, but we had American football growing rapidly in popularity so the soccer name stuck over here.

See, tv IS educational.