Obama's Teleprompter Gives Second Prime Time Press Conference...


Zombie Hunter
Analysis: Giant Teleprompter Telegraphs Obama Caution
President takes no chances in his second prime-time news conference, reading a prepared statement from a massive TV screen, but it was no help during the question-and-answer session.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

WASHINGTON -- What kind of politician brings a teleprompter to a news conference?

A careful one.

President Barack Obama took no chances in his second prime-time news conference, reading a prepared statement in which he took both sides of the AIG bonus brouhaha and asked an anxious nation for its patience.

"There are no quick fixes," he said, "and there are no silver bullets."

It's an interesting dichotomy: Obama came before the nation to sell one of the most expensive and politically risky agendas ever offered by a U.S. president, but his language was heavy with caution. A hard-willed plan given a soft sell.

Served up opportunities to lead with his heart, Obama was cerebral. Cool and calming in a time of white-hot public anger.

"You know, there was a lot of outrage and finger-pointing last week, and much of it is understandable," Obama said of the bonus issue in his opening remarks. "I'm as angry as anybody about those bonuses that went to some of the very same individuals who brought our financial system to its knees."

"Bankers and executives on Wall Street need to realize that enriching themselves on the taxpayers' dime is inexcusable, that the days of outsized rewards and reckless speculation that puts us all at risk have to be over," the president told reporters and the nation.

But he didn't look angry. Nor did he sound much like a pitchfork-wielding populist.

"At the same time, the rest of us can't afford to demonize every investor or entrepreneur who seeks to make a profit. That drive is what has always fueled our prosperity, and it is what will ultimately get these banks lending and our economy moving once more," he said.

It was a carefully modulated statement, and Obama -- relying on a familiar crutch -- read it off a flat-screen monitor perched at the back of the East Room. ...


Zombie Hunter
The question is, who prepared it for him? :meh:


Let's fuck some shit up
It's a well-known fact that speech writers have been behind many major presidential speeches for a very long time. Why is this such a big deal?


Zombie Hunter
Yes indeedy. And Obama has some of the best. Pelosi, Reid, et al, have done a bang-up job of writing Obama's speeches. :bailey:


rogue telepath
Following last night's switch to the giant TV monitor; I hear they will be debuting a new, more mobile prototype of the teleprompter soon. Here is a sneak preview of what's to come...



Yes indeedy. And Obama has some of the best. Pelosi, Reid, et al, have done a bang-up job of writing Obama's speeches. :bailey:

I'm pretty sure it isn't them writing the speeches. I'm pretty sure it is this guy (on the left):



fuck me RAW Henny!


rogue telepath
I'm pretty sure it isn't them writing the speeches. I'm pretty sure it is this guy (on the left):

Oh yes, Jon Favreau. Here's an interesting assessment of this particular Obama ghostwriter:

Basic Instinct
December 2008

Jon Favreau has arrived. He is the face, voice and ethical compass for Generation O. His coming is heralded by such noteworthy achievements as writing insipid lines for Obama’s teleprompter and fondling the life-sized likeness of Senator Hillary Clinton. Yes, that is what has given him august notoriety in none other than US News & World Report.

It is worth noting that he also graduated from Holy Cross. Although being an alumnus of that institution is nothing to advertise these days. In fact, it is downright embarrassing. It has spawned the likes of such infamous sexists as none other than Clarence “Long John” Thomas and Chris “Messed Around” Matthews. Now Jon “Gropergate” Favreau can be added to the illustrious list. At this point, it probably doesn’t matter that most alumni are too mortified to show up for reunions. If the Favreaus of Obama’s fan base are anything upon which to judge their popularity, the Admissions Office must be busy.

As far as Favreau’s inclusion in an Obama Administration or being considered a talented member of his staff, is anyone surprised? Obama has often drawn inspiration from the lowest common denominator in people. What can we expect from someone who described the Reverend Wright as his spiritual mentor and Father Pfleger as his spiritual compass? Someone who actually chose, “99 Reasons But A ***** Ain’t One” as his celebratory song for his entrance on to the National stage after his Iowa victory? When you set the bar that low, even people like Favreau start to look highbrow.

Much has been made of Favreau’s grope and the fact that those who find it incredibly vulgar, hostile and offensive just need to get a sense of humor. Of course, they wouldn’t be the same people who think Favreau is a “great talent” when he pens such quotes as, “We are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For.”

They do have a sense of humor. They think THAT notion is hilarious!

Forget Churchill, Jefferson, Aristotle or even Sorensen. Now, we are continuously subjected to the most meaningless sort of drivel ever. No wonder the print version of the 4th Estate is dying! Favreau’s kind of Madison Avenue copy writing and humor are apparently exactly right for the “deep thoughts” capacity of certain Obama sycophants, of which there are millions.

It has been said that those who draw the line at Favreau’s sexist behavior and demand he be fired need to spend time focusing on more important subjects. That is quite ironic since the very people making that demand are the ones who have been completely unimpressed by what seems to be so inspiring to his defenders: Obama Girl, Oprah and all Obnoxiously Obvious Marketing Ploys. Those who are drawing the line have been demanding substance over style since the beginning of the 2008 Election. Well, a good way for Team Obama to start meeting those demands would be by Firing Favreau. And, not simply for using cardboard likenesses of real women to act out his contempt but for his crimes against sensibilities!

Since when has diversity been synonymous with debauchery? Apparently since the MSM decided to appeal to the lowest common denominator in all the different groups. Since they realized the best way to sell airtime and Obama was to use style over substance, vulgarity and very short words and sentences. In Jon Favreau, we find the embodiment of all these qualities. He is the penultimate master of making the low road mainstream. He is, no pun intended, the Poster Boy for Generation O and the new Administration.

Forget Stravinsky and Pablo Casals of the Old Camelot. We will be entertained by more music from such greats as Jay Z and friends than we can possibly stand. Yes, the new Camelot is Ludacris. Perhaps even the good Reverend Wright will contribute some of his more inspired work. Jon will pen more three character words and arrange them into three incredibly memorable, three word sentences. Obama’s intellectually and morally-challenged fan base will be thrilled. Favreau’s talent, character and ethical bankruptcy are a perfect fit for the change coming to the White House.

The revolution from Generation O will come because what is left of the civilized world will simply be too bored and repulsed by the vulgarity and banality of Obama’s Administration to pay attention. Because Obama is doing what he has always done: appealing to the Base. ©


rogue telepath
So I guess no one saw Letterman and the differences between teleprompter and no teleprompter, huh?


Perhaps we should just let Obama keep the teleprompter then. Last time he tried to speak without it, he ended up insulting people with disabilities. Best to save him from himself.

In any case...I suppose if worst comes to worst, Obama's last resort can always be texting his speeches to his Blackberry. He just has to set it on vibration mode in his pocket and just peek down at his nether regions whenever he forgets what to say. In fact, I can hear Michelle now: "Is that a TOTUS in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"


Vuhlkansu Wihs
We'll just ignore the fact that even with a teleprompter, Bush sounded like an uneducated moron.

How many new words did he make up in his 8 years?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Dual said:
And Sarek still manages to fall victim to W's obfuscation. Pwned by Bush?

Not really. I'm just pointing out another glaring case of hypocrisy from the conservatives on this site.

Bush put us where we're at, yet it's Obama's recession.

Bush started the bail outs, yet it's Obama's fault.

Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr led the charge to deregulate capitalism yet it's Clinton's and Obama's fault that greed and mismanagement infused itself in just about every aspect of corporate America.

Bush's entire cabinet was made up of crooks and liars that escaped scrutiny from the conservatives, but a few on Obama's cabinet and the conservatives are screaming loud.

Conservatives don't want social programs, yet their 'agenda' has put more people in the unemployment line, the food shelves and on the streets.

Conservatives don't want bigger government. Unless it suits their needs. We'll just ignore the fact that Bush created the largest waste of government funds and bureaucratic bullshit that we've seen in modern time, the Department of Homeland Security.

I could sit here all day and list more, but I think that's enough to garner a few more 'commie' comments as you cry in your 'portfolios'.


Zombie Hunter
God-DAMN Bush, for hiding in the closet at the Oval Office until everyone was gone and then forcing Obama at gunpoint to draft a $3.6 trillion socialist budget! :mad:


The US has been embracing socialist concepts since before you were born.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
God-DAMN Bush, for hiding in the closet at the Oval Office until everyone was gone and then forcing Obama at gunpoint to draft a $3.6 trillion socialist budget! :mad:

Hey, someone has to clean up the mess you conservatives made. Throwing more money at it may not be the right thing, but at least he's trying. God knows, you're whole party philosophy of less government and less spending was a total joke. We learned that when we gave you the checkbook.


Zombie Hunter
Huh. It's funny, how the market was doing just fine while Republicans controlled the legislature. Things didn't really go to shit until the Democrats took over. And then when Obama got elected to the executive, it went into freefall. :S: