Obamaton Heartache: Obama's approval rating falls to 50%


I'm not wearing any pants!!

The honeymoon is over, a national poll will signal today as President Obama’s job approval stumbles to about 50 percent over the lack of improvement with the crippled economy.

The sobering numbers come as the president backpedals from two prime-time gaffes - one comparing his bowling score to a Special Olympian and another awkwardly laughing about the economy, which prompted Steve Kroft of “60 Minutes” to ask “are you punch-drunk?”

Pollster John Zogby said his poll out today will show Americans split on the president’s performance. He said the score factors out to “about 50-50.”
“The numbers are going down,” Zogby told the Herald. “It’s not because of the gaffes, but a combination of high expectations and that things aren’t moving fast enough with the economy.”

As for the president’s love of the limelight, it could backfire, according to a media watcher.

“I thought he overexposed himself weeks ago,” said Tobe Berkovitz, associate dean of Boston University’s College of Communication.

“I wonder when the public will say ‘Instead of being in front of the camera, be in front of a spreadsheet.’ ”



Zombie Hunter
The Dow did post a significant gain today--nearly 500 points--and if almost up to where it was when the economy was terrible and Bush was to blame for wrecking it. So who knows, maybe it'll recover in the short term. I'm not at all happy about the stuff he managed to ram through and its long term effects though.


Zombie Hunter
...and it went down 115 points today. Incidentally, the daily Rasmussen poll, which nets the % who strongly approve and strongly disapprove has him with a net approval of 4%:

I miss having attachments and/or quick gallery upload. :( There's a cute chart of a red line, trending upward and a green line, trending downward with a smiling Obama next to it. I really hope when he gets a negative approval they change the photo to a frowny/pissed off Obama.