Pic of Sarek and Eggs on their first date.


New Member
Interesting that he mentioned Anna Yolei, since there is no one registered here, or any of the other known fora. Of course, Lou is always entertaining shitty duals.

Reverend Phelps

New Member
satan mcevil said:
Actually I said Jack fucked little boys, there is a huge difference.

Hey at least my handle is original, unlike that shit you are pushing.

If that is the case then he needs this posted in his front yard. :laugh:


satan mcevil

New Member
Actually you have no fucking clue who I am, though if you dranks a little bacardi it might become clear.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
satan mcevil said:
Actually you have no fucking clue who I am, though if you dranks a little bacardi it might become clear.

Actually, it really doesn't matter. It's apparent you were such a noob moron the first time you decided to come back and try again.


New Member
I am the god damned antichrist.
Hell, are you a fucking moron?
tempting people, fucking nuns, ass raping the world
Dark Lord of fucking evil


New Member
That pic was funny. I'll bet Sarek didn't wash his hand for a week after that so he could just smell his finger and think of Eggs.

satan mcevil

New Member
i'm sure you think I am lucifer incarnate. I'm sure if you thug at that brain you will get it.