politics is boring !!!


Fucked Bunny
when i was a student in the 1980s we defined ourselves by what our politics were,

but now the priveleged few have succeeded in their goal: to make politics "boring"

this is exactly what they wanted all along,

they want you to take no active participation whatsoever,

and, it's not that they just don't care about you, they actively hate you,

but they need you,

why ?

well, for instance have you ever heard the phrase "people are our greatest resource" ?

they are insulting you right to your face there and you don't even notice,

they are saying you are merely a resource to be used,

"why have a dog and bark yourself ?" don't you find that downright fucking rude ?

they don't work, you do

and what's your reward ? you are allowed to replicate your dna ie. have a family, in some nondescript box that takes your entire working life to pay for.

you're being fucked up the arse in a world you own,

and where are the profits from our capitalist society going ?

they're going straight to the offspring of these "captains of industry" and their toads to continue their dna

see, they're like the basest animals, like amoeba, they only understand continuing their own dna

they don't give a fuck about anyone else, they're unevolved

they don't have to evolve, why should they ? life's all very peachy looking out from their mansion on the hill.

so, do you want to be breeding slaves for them forever ?

no ? then you evolve your mind..

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I didn't know Scott Adams posted on TK.


when i was a student in the 1980s we defined ourselves by what our politics were,

but now the priveleged few have succeeded in their goal: to make politics "boring"

this is exactly what they wanted all along,

they want you to take no active participation whatsoever,

and, it's not that they just don't care about you, they actively hate you,

but they need you,

why ?

well, for instance have you ever heard the phrase "people are our greatest resource" ?

they are insulting you right to your face there and you don't even notice,

they are saying you are merely a resource to be used,

"why have a dog and bark yourself ?" don't you find that downright fucking rude ?

they don't work, you do

and what's your reward ? you are allowed to replicate your dna ie. have a family, in some nondescript box that takes your entire working life to pay for.

you're being fucked up the arse in a world you own,

and where are the profits from our capitalist society going ?

they're going straight to the offspring of these "captains of industry" and their toads to continue their dna

see, they're like the basest animals, like amoeba, they only understand continuing their own dna

they don't give a fuck about anyone else, they're unevolved

they don't have to evolve, why should they ? life's all very peachy looking out from their mansion on the hill.

so, do you want to be breeding slaves for them forever ?

no ? then you evolve your mind..
this made my head hurt.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
when i was a student in the 1980s

We've already established that you're still in your mid-teens, and

we defined ourselves by what our politics were,

but now the priveleged few have succeeded in their goal: to make politics "boring"

this is exactly what they wanted all along,

they want you to take no active participation whatsoever,

and, it's not that they just don't care about you, they actively hate you,

but they need you,

why ?

well, for instance have you ever heard the phrase "people are our greatest resource" ?

they are insulting you right to your face there and you don't even notice,

they are saying you are merely a resource to be used,

"why have a dog and bark yourself ?" don't you find that downright fucking rude ?

they don't work, you do

and what's your reward ? you are allowed to replicate your dna ie. have a family, in some nondescript box that takes your entire working life to pay for.

you're being fucked up the arse in a world you own,

and where are the profits from our capitalist society going ?

they're going straight to the offspring of these "captains of industry" and their toads to continue their dna

see, they're like the basest animals, like amoeba, they only understand continuing their own dna

they don't give a fuck about anyone else, they're unevolved

they don't have to evolve, why should they ? life's all very peachy looking out from their mansion on the hill.

so, do you want to be breeding slaves for them forever ?

no ? then you evolve your mind..

nice copypasta.