President Obama: Year One


Un Banned
So? How do you rate, evaluate & review Commander-in-Chief #44? BHO's been President a year now. Now it's legitimate report card time people.

Is O the Great Uniter? Or is Bam the Great Discombobulater? Will Barack be Earth's Surak? Or instead will Obama be Earth's Jar Jar? Is Bar the Honour of Harvard? Or is O the Pope of Podunk? Is Obamaphilia prudent? Or is Obamaphobia justified?

Or is Bam somewhere in between all these extremes of judgment?

What say you?

Me? As Jesse would say, keep hope (& change) alive.

bad dog

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He sucks.


Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
With anyone who didn't have his head up his ass last year, all of this should come as no surprise.

I said he was a bullshit artist then, but people like jack couldn't get off the cupcakeer's balls long enough to think rationally.

Let's just not elect another jive turkey cupcakeer to any office above city councilman, and we'll call it an expensive object lesson.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
The main argument Republicans have with Obama is the spending and the continued raising of the deficit. I'm not going to rate Obama.

A few years back my wife and I held a party for a buddy of mine. We spent about 500 bucks on it. Everyone had a good time but my buddy got a bit shitfaced and did some damage to our patio door. It ended up costing me about 1500 bucks to repair.

I bring this up because it's a prime example of how something so minor can turn into a major headache. The Republicans had an 8 year party in the White House and it cost the American people a lot. But Obama got stuck with the mess and the bill for the clean up. Republicans still haven't acknowledged that they screwed up in a major way and that's what led to Obama's election and the current Democratic majority in DC. They also refuse to acknowledge that a good portion of the current deficit was caused by their lack of fiscal control. They also don't understand the concept of cleaning up their own mess. And until they do, they're doomed to repeat that same thing all over again.

bad dog

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Gitmo, geitner, special deals, holder calling us a nation of cowards, government take over of private companies, pay czar (fannie and freddie are exempt), all his other Czars who 'retired' a couple months into the job, increasing the debt by 3.2 trillion in ONE year, and thats just a start


Vuhlkansu Wihs
If I were to list the same things concerning the Bush administration, this entry would time out before it posted.

BTW, the current national debt is 11.4 trillion. So if Obama has raised it by 3.4 trillion in the last year, that means he inherited an 8.4 trillion dollar debt from George. How come you don't hear much from the Republicans about that?

Like I said, the party's over, but the clean up is a bitch.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
If I were to list the same things concerning the Bush administration, this entry would time out before it posted.

BTW, the current national debt is 11.4 trillion. So if Obama has raised it by 3.4 trillion in the last year, that means he inherited an 8.4 trillion dollar debt from George. How come you don't hear much from the Republicans about that?

Like I said, the party's over, but the clean up is a bitch.

No, he inherited a multi-trillion dollar deficit from George and all preceding presidents. Obama's done more to raise the debt in one year than Bush did in a full term, and Bush did more to raise the debt himself than any prior president. They're both terrible, but Obama's deficit is several orders of magnitude worse.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
But again, Republicans refuse to look at the cause for the problem. They're just worried about the cost of the clean because they're party isn't behind it.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
But again, Republicans refuse to look at the cause for the problem. They're just worried about the cost of the clean because they're party isn't behind it.

Who the fuck cares about the Republicans? Both major parties are equally responsible for the current mess; any momentary steps one faction takes to slow the mounting debt is commendable at this point. The only real solution is to vote for a third party, but the vast majority of idiots in this country won't, for dumbshit reasons like, "Nobody votes for them, so they'll never win!" It's moot at this point, as our system can't survive long with its debt going up at Obama's alarming rate, and we're sure to default on the national debt within the next decade or so.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Who the fuck cares about the Republicans? Both major parties are equally responsible for the current mess; any momentary steps one faction takes to slow the mounting debt is commendable at this point. The only real solution is to vote for a third party, but the vast majority of idiots in this country won't, for dumbshit reasons like, "Nobody votes for them, so they'll never win!" It's moot at this point, as our system can't survive long with its debt going up at Obama's alarming rate, and we're sure to default on the national debt within the next decade or so.

I agree, both parties are responsible. But the tone of this topic is a prime example of the finger pointing that's currently going on in Washington. Everyone is blaming Obama when the reality is both parties have done this. Both parties need to take responsibility, and the American people need to stop the partisan finger pointing and hold them all accountable. But as of yet I still haven't heard a single Republican acknowledge that they contributed to the problem. They blame Obama and when that doesn't work, they toss the blame back on Clinton.