Regarding the mass infusion of WF Fucks


GFHH Moderator
You all know, they are busily e-mailing elwood sucking him off virtually.

Once he sees this mass exodus, he will virtually give them a hand job. They will then scamper back off to WF for their mutual circle jerk and bad mouth TK again.


GFHH Moderator
Have fun until then, btw


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I thought you didn't die?


GFHH Moderator
I am not Bizarro Darthsikle then?


New Member
actually, I haven't e-mailed Elwood.

And I have no intention of doing so.


DarthSikle said:
You all know, they are busily e-mailing elwood sucking him off virtually.

Once he sees this mass exodus, he will virtually give them a hand job. They will then scamper back off to WF for their mutual circle jerk and bad mouth TK again.

It would be a great disappointment if that didn't happen.


GFHH Moderator
Crosis said:
actually, I haven't e-mailed Elwood.

And I have no intention of doing so.



New Member
DarthSikle said:


See if I ever get unbanned. I guarantee it won't happen. I have too much pride to go begging for forgiveness for the simple act of defending my good name.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
You don't like your old forum.

They abused their powers.

You're here now.

We get it.









fuck me RAW Henny!
Gagh said:
It would be a great disappointment if that didn't happen.

But think of all those new threads to spam.

J. Allen

Fleet Chaplain
DarthSikle said:
You all know, they are busily e-mailing elwood sucking him off virtually.

Once he sees this mass exodus, he will virtually give them a hand job. They will then scamper back off to WF for their mutual circle jerk and bad mouth TK again.

For some reason, I want to call you DarthDickle. I don't know why, but I do.

This has been a pubic service announcement. And yes, I am aware of the missing "l". Perhaps it's not missing?



Can I have Ops?
I might start an Exodus of TK'rs to Wordforge.

Can anyone give me a clue as to which admin I have to suck up to? Say I wanted to get into Eliteforge super quick and am prepared to compromise any kind of self respect... which are easiest egos to stroke?

teh thanks in advance

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
I'm actually on the fence now;

between complete apathy and

and this insidious desire to burn

the place to the ground.


Loveable fuzzball!
I don't know what apathy means and I don't care.



New Member
Comicon - Jack
Bungie - Ishkasomething
theRanter - headvoid
Strippers - Grammour Boy
Troll Valhalla - bad dog
Wordforge - ???

Every invasion is like survivor. Every invasion. The other people who pop in are guest stars from certain arcs.

Who will vote themselves off this season?


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Lol, you know, that's true.

I came here with a few people, and I'm the only one that stayed.

Where's my million?


Shifty sumbitch
Tyrant said:
Comicon - Jack
Bungie - Ishkasomething
theRanter - headvoid
Strippers - Grammour Boy
Troll Valhalla - bad dog
Wordforge - ???

Every invasion is like survivor. Every invasion. The other people who pop in are guest stars from certain arcs.

Who will vote themselves off this season?
Except one: The one from LoNAF.