So what are J.G Hertzler and Robert O'Reilly up to these days?


I want to smell dark matter
That's exactly what I expercted them to be doing.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I weep for them. What makes it even sadder is that there are empty chairs in the audience.

I hope, at least, they are doing Shakespeare in the Park somewhere in the summertime to stay sane.


Christ, that's sad. Poor Robert O'Reilly looks like he's developed a few warrior rolls around his tum. Good job they developed stretch armour.

Good on 'em for being game, but I'm sure they don't need to do that for cash.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Hollywood's in a recession just like everyone else. Studios are slashing their output, and networks are running Jay Leno and reality shows instead of scripted dramas, which cost more because they employ many more salaries and resources.

Hopefully O'Reilly is an acting teacher or something, because his IMDb listing since DS9 ended is very, very thin. Not much in "other works" either except a couple of audio book voiceovers. Hertzler's post-DS9 era is better, but it includes a lot of VG voiceover work, which doesn't pay as well.

You can bet your behind they are doing it for the money.


I want to smell dark matter
Who knows where the tides of fate will take us.


Staff member
They deserve a whole lot more because they are both incredible actors with huge ability to bring to life any character. It's just a shame that only the small percentage of us have had the honour (I went there) to see that.

They looked like they were having a great time though!


Let's fuck some shit up
It would've been a lot cooler if they'd had a klingon phaser pistol and held it on it's side, like a gangsta klingon.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
New VH-1 reality show!
