Thanks, Obama!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
It's TOTALLY AWESOME that you're traveling through downtown LA today! It's even better that, as a result, the Secret Service is closing down ALL the major and minor routes to my office building FROM SEVEN AM TO TEN AM. Just super.

You know what's the most super-delicious awesome? The fact that I had to get up at 4 this morning, so I could be out the door by 4:50, so I could get to work by FUCKING SIX-FIFTEEN. BEST. THURSDAY. EVER.

:rwmad: :rwmad: :rwmad:


well, you could always take public transportation... oops, wait, you said LA.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
You'd think he could afford a chopper, or something.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Well he does have Marine One, but I think the number of refuels it would need between DC and LA would make him look like a bigger money-waster than AIG.

Don't you have a DS or Gameboy to keep you entertained during traffic jams!? YEAH!!1

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Nope. But I'm getting rid of my SUV shortly, and getting either a BMW 330 or an Infiniti M35. If i'm going to be stuck in traffic for long periods of time, I might as well be comfy.

Actually, the issue this morning was the timing of the whole thing. I mean 7-10?? Who DOESN'T have to be at work during that time? So you either force people to get up in the middle of the night and get to work 2-3 hours early, or come in late and have to make up the time. Fortunately, I'm "middle management" so I can be flexible. UNfortunately, my own work ethic compels me to get here 2 hours early.

Stupid work ethic!!!