The Waldorf Salad episode of Fawlty Towers is a bit annoying


I want to smell dark matter
It's still funnier than, like, everything else ever made, but the american character is far too over the top.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Agreed. American cahracters that obnoxious should have hillbilly accents, not Chicago accents.


Is this real life?
Communication Problems is my favourite by far, especially after dealing lately with people who underestimate the degree of their hearing issues.

Mrs. Richards: I asked for a room with a bath.
Basil Fawlty: [indicating] You've got a bath!
Mrs. Richards: I am not paying seven pounds, twenty pence per night, plus VAT, for a room without a bath.
Basil Fawlty: There is your bath!
Mrs. Richards: [looking at it] You call that a bath? That's not big enough to drown a mouse. It's disgraceful.
Basil Fawlty: I wish you were a mouse.
Mrs. Richards: What? And another thing. I asked for a room with a view. When I pay for a view, I expect something more interesting than that.
Basil Fawlty: [going to window, indicating] That is Torquay, ma'am.
Mrs. Richards: That is not good enough.
Basil Fawlty: Well, may I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeasts swinging majestically...

Quote courtesy of: the internet.


Boobie inspector
I was watching that very episode last night.

On a technical note I was impressed by the long takes with no cutaways, indicating that most of the scene was filmed in one go.


I want to smell dark matter
I think the whole thing happens in real time (probably, I can't remember) so it is quite impressive in that respect yet.

Communication Problems was the one I had top of my "top twelve Fawlty Towers" thread, so yeah. The deaf woman is probably the best guest star. But Bernard Cribbins was great too.

Dr Dave

Bickendan and I discovered some years back we could only watch two episodes of that show at a time before having to watch something else.


I want to smell dark matter
Because it's too INTENSE.


Is this real life?
I probably haven't actually seen an episode all the way through in about a decade (argh! I'm old!), but hopefully I'd still enjoy it and not think it was hideously old fashioned.


It's still funnier than, like, everything else ever made, but the american character is far too over the top.

That's the whole point. It was filmed in the 1970's, when stereotyping was utterly rampant across all TV.


I want to smell dark matter
Well none of the other episodes were that as bad in that way.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I just ripped my Fawlty Towers DVD box to MKV files because of this thread. Now I can queue them up with the thousand other TV episodes I have on my hard drive anytime I want.


I want to smell dark matter
"Bit of cheese!"