Today - hope your weekend is wonderful


Forever Empress E
Today has been a beautiful day. Started off a little chilli out - just under 50 degrees. Still, got up and went to a class that was most interesting and met some new friends too. Came out of the class to a field covered in butterflies. Very odd for this time of year.

Had a late lunch by the fire at my favorite bistro. Then, stopped at the park. The little river leading up the pond is a bit shallow this year but it is filling up with ducks, geese and cranes.


Got home in time to mow the front yard before it is too dark - which it already is just a few minutes before 6 p.m. my time.

Now it is time to put the drums and tambourines in the car and go to circle. It is noise making night. I saw a post where someone is bringing their 12 string. Maybe I need to bring my stringed instruments too. Hope someone builds a fire. With the sun down, the temperature is dropping quickly. Better make a thermos of hot coffee real quick too.

Hope your weekend is wonderful.