Too Conchaga, Me do da ook tang!


I may beat Greg to the line, if this drivel is anything to go by. This is what happens to people who eat their own pubes. I read it in a book. It must be true.

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
Well, he commented right after your post. I'm sure he meant "This is what happens to people who eat their own pubes" in a general way though.


I love you
But if you read what he wrote you can clearly see that he is talking about blackfoot.


Forever Empress E
Love Child:

Seattle?! Come say hi! Eh.

I will. We're going to be in that area sometime during the week of May 20th.

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
So you all thought I seriously mistook his comment to mean Enke? Dear god.

I'll refrain from teasing someone I thought 'got' my sense of humor from now on, my apologies for upsetting the herd.


I love you
So you all thought I seriously mistook his comment to mean Enke? Dear god.

I'll refrain from teasing someone I thought 'got' my sense of humor from now on, my apologies for upsetting the herd.

I pretty much knew you were joking. ; )


Let's fuck some shit up
So you all thought I seriously mistook his comment to mean Enke? Dear god.

I'll refrain from teasing someone I thought 'got' my sense of humor from now on, my apologies for upsetting the herd.

That might be my fault. People are always a bit on edge when I step in and start fucking with Charles. There have been some fairly intense moments of stupidity that can infect others. Being as you're fairly new, they might have mistook that comment for what happens when Blackfoot does "his thang."


beer, I want beer
Not Temecula -- that's up higher. Try Coachella Valley.

If you replace "Maria: with "Temecula" in the song"Maria" from Westside Story, you could make it almost a prayer. :smfcheesy:

I've been down there. Eclectic area, half super rich resort and half scruffy carnys. Some of the shows used to close up shop and do their offseason down there at Indio. Got some of the best produce I ever ate down there at the weigh station. Trucks roll in, overweight from the biggest fucking oranges you ever saw, and in order to avoid being fined they'd just dump crates of it right there. Hit it at the right time and you could eat pretty damn good.


My Stars!
In all the years I've lived here, I never heard about the weigh stations being a produce one-stop shop. Usually when I drive past that place I'm trying to avoid the incoming and outgoing trucks.

Yeah, the wealth in this valley is off the charts. I watched one woman at the check out counter at Vons quibbling over an expired 50 cent coupon with the checker. The woman was obviously very wealthy, and decked out in her "everyday" gold and platinum baubles that probably cost more than the check and I made in a year. Yet, she wanted that 50 cent coupon honored and was willing to make a scene in order to bully the checker into giving it to her. The wealthy have a sense of entitlement that boggles common sense.