True Blood 4x02 - You Smell Like Dinner


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Eric poses a greater threat for Sookie now. He was restraining himself before, now he doesn't know anything.

I think Arlene is funny most of the time. I just laugh when she talks about the evil baby.


moral imperfection
Yeah, I agree he's much more dangerous without his memories. But then again, Bill couldn't possibly foresee that Eric would wind up anywhere near Sookie, did he?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
That night? No, I think that was a coincidence. OH, do you think Bill planned for that to happen? I hadn't thought of that.


moral imperfection
I think Bill has planned on getting rid of Eric from the second he was appointed King, so he grabs the opportunity the witches pose. I don't think he'd want Eric anywhere near Sookie though - Bill's interest in her is definitely too strong to allow for any Eric/Sookie bonding. That's just a coincidence... or the writers stay close enough to the book for that to not be a coincidence at all :D (I'm not gonna te-ell :whistle: )


Is this real life?
Punk Bill was... I can't believe I'm saying this... hot. And he doesn't look bad as the Vamp King, neither.

Jessica looked hot dressed as Amy Pond too.

Oh and Pam in the leather at the first Christian demo.

Whose face was appearing on the lead witch's face after the spell was cast? It looked like a younger woman.

I do actually find Arlene amusing. But the baby better turn out to be evil, or they'll have wasted a lot of scenes repeating the same thing to no avail.


Be patient till the last.
the writers flip back and forth and away from Harris' story lines so much now I wouldn't dare try to speculate where the TV story lines are heading...but it makes it interesting for those of us who have read the books. I'd hate to have no surprises.
That's not a problem here. ;)