True Blood "Fresh Blood"


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Much better than last week's. But an OMGWTF cliffhanger and we've got to wait TWO FUCKING WEEKS for the finale. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Be patient till the last.

are you fucking kidding me?



Elitist Redheaded Trollop

LoL. I thought you had to wait a while.


Be patient till the last.
I got in a little earlier than usual - before anyone else could bogart the 'puter!

well, now we know why Pam was crying....WTF's THE PLAN, ERIC!?!?!?!?!

I predict a showdown w/ Sam & Tommy...or maybe the safe is booby-trapped this time?

Lafayette, Lafayette....

Hoyt's mother is despicable. She's viler than any vamp, even Russell, because at least he aint a hypocrite.

ho ho Terry has had the big scare and will watch her like a mother she wont be able to take any more tea...

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Good ep. Stuff happened.

Favorite lines - Sookie: "I hate all of you!" and "I've had it with this shit!"

Sam butt in action!

Agreed about the WTF ending -- "hey let's get rid of the two best characters on the show!" I can see Russell not making it, but no way is Eric gone.


Is this real life?

Eric should've just zoomed back through the door after Edgington went outside. I did like his "please don't let them see" line. Very believable.

Bill used his "Blah blah blah or I will kill you" line for the millionth time. Booooooorriiiinnnng.

The bit with Kitch the footballer had a kind of Smallville feel to it, didn't it? :D Half expected him to turn out to be a meteor freak.

Tara goes on about being an off the rails bitch, but manages to keep her bra on during sex yet again. For once, I do actually think the part "demands" nudity. Or just don't do sex scenes. Tara's got insecurities, but she wouldn't be shy in the bedroom with Sam.

The Tara/Andy scene was good, though Tara was right. Nobody cares about Eggs. I hope that storyline's actually going somewhere, since they keep bringing it up every week.

Double cousin. Mmm. Exotic.

Good to see Hoyt's mum again. I like that they remember their recurring characters.

Where is the stuff with Lafayette going? Just a fun incidental thing, or is he going to unearth something that sets up next year's story?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
We do get to see a floating Godric in two weeks, so maybe that has something to do with Eric getting saved.

And I agree about Tara...take the shit off to have hot, nasty sex with Sam. It's not like y'all were making sweet love. Y'alls fucking!!! Get nekkid!

Loved the scene between Hoyt & Jessica.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I'm really sad that we only have one more episode this season :rwmad:

Hoyt and Jessica are really great.. I hope Hoyt's mom doesn't kill him or Jessica. That will piss me off. Should have known she was behind the creepy doll chick.


I want to smell dark matter
Okay, SORRY FOR BEING NEGATIVE WACKY WHO HATES EVERYTHING, but if Russel dies in the first couple of minutes of the finale, then fuck this show. They have this awesome build-up with him talking about wanting vampires to take over the world and everything, he's got an army of werewolves, his lover is murdered and he goes completely crazy and murders a newscaster live on air and promises to show america "the true face of the vampire"...then he, umm, kills a prositute and goes off to hang around a museum, and when Eric, the guy who murdered his lover, shows up he...talks to him. Instead of like slaughtering him right away like he logically would have. Then he BELIEVES ERIC'S STORY about "fairy blood" even though he fucking knows that Eric has sworn revenge after Russel murdered his family! And now it looks like he's going to die by taking a walk in the sun.

Great job ruining a potentially great villain!

It doesn't help that we keep cutting from the main plot to pointless drawn out subplots that nobidy could possibly care about. Does ANYONE IN THE WORLD care about Arlene? Why do we have to spend ten minutes on her and her baby which won't be born until season six at this rate? Jason goes from his panther subplot stumbling into a subplot about football players using V which will obviously not be resolved next week so why introduce it in the episode before the season finale?

Then there's Sam who's turned into a total cunt out of nowhere and is nothing like the character he was for the first two seasons. And it doesn't tie into the main arc at all.

Hoyt and Jessica are better because I like those characters but they only got about two minutes. The Layfayette stuff is alright but again it just seems to be setting up stuff for season four. It's like they've given up on season three already and they're just previewing what's coming up next year.

At least Tara realised no one cares about Eggs. The double cousin line was funny.


I was sort of feeling the same way, but hoping Russel somehow frees himself from his bonds and cuts loose for the last ep.


I want to smell dark matter


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Unless you count Sam's ass.


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter
But Tara isn't black in the books so it's misleading.


Is this real life?
And isn't Lafayette long dead?


I want to smell dark matter
And Pam is an eight foot tall cyborg.