TV & PS3 no longer plays audio


It just stopped recognising audio files, did firmware upgrade, still no difference & the PS3 not recognising the audio files also.

Anyone heard of such shenanigans?


Sorted the PS3, since the last system the scum eeters, want u to seek permission to play mwa....

TV still wanky if anyone has tipz


Retired Account
why do u use wma anyway?


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
He doesnt use wma, he said he uses mwa :)

When mines broke I simply too it to my local Witchdoctor. They broke out the old charm box, cast a few spells,and "POOF" instant satisfaction!


Retired Account
he is a she dickgumz.


Starguard, ur ps3 problems were hardware...mine is software related to authentication codes; which I didnt need b4 & is the reason y i used wma to avoid the bullshit auth code procedures....
I suspect teh tv is not recognising audio files for the same reason....I had to run authentication for DivX, but no prompts for audio & havnt heard of such bs


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Starguard, ur ps3 problems were hardware...mine is software related to authentication codes; which I didnt need b4 & is the reason y i used wma to avoid the bullshit auth code procedures....
I suspect teh tv is not recognising audio files for the same reason....I had to run authentication for DivX, but no prompts for audio & havnt heard of such bs

install this toolbar:

it has an addon that will lit you convert all your wma's to mp3's and then when u r done, you can uninstall it. I actually like the little fucker it does all kinds of cool shit besides and I get no junk spam from it


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
also, check out, and see if there's anything in there that strikes yer fancy.