uninstaling programs


Boobie inspector
On the downstairs computer.

This is what I am doing instead of sleeping.

Woopy doo.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Better than attempting to uninstall malware, which is what I've been doing for like 3 weeks. FUCKING MALWARE.


Boobie inspector
This downstairs computer used to be my upstairs computer before I bought my new one, and I actually like it more than the new onem but the new one cost so much money that the old one had to go downstairs so I could use the new one as my main one and justify what I spent on it, but in so many ways this one was better.

Come to think of it I have the one before this one too, but thats up in the attic, I would have sold it, but new computers are so cheap nowadays that noone wants to buy second hand ones, well low spec ones are anyway, but high spec ones are still expensive, which is what I bought last year, which of couse is low spec now, but thats computers for you.


Boobie inspector
I just deleted skype and it came up with a page saying this "We’re really sorry to see you go.
If you had problems, we’re here to help."

If youve got pc troubles I feel bad for you son, I got 99 programs but skype aint one.


Is this real life?
You should probably watch a dvd or something.


I want to smell dark matter
I looked out the window at about 3am last night (was bored of wanking) and saw three deer in the front garden. They were nice, trying to eat the bushes and stuff. I didn't even wank over them.