Who could beat Hillary in '08?


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I was listening to the Al Rantel show last night and this was one of the topics, I found the debate quite interesting. The front runners among Republicans are Rudy Guiliani and Sen. John Mc Cain but throwing a Republican woman in the mix gave us Conde Rice. If the Dems put Hillary up I'd like to see the Republicans put a female up and yes, Conde would be my choice mainly because, as Mr. Rantel pointed out, I'd like to see the Dems try and tear apart a black woman. Too juicy.

Your thoughts?

Peter Octavian

New Member
Who could beat her?

Well, there's probably a long line of folks who'd want to take a shot, but if you want the job done right, you need to hire a pro. I'd say, let Tyson have at her.

That'd be a beating I'd pay for on PPV.


Troll Kingdom Ambassador
Your thoughts?

You'd be a much more intelligent person if you didn't listen to bombastic blowhards.

That said, both McCain and Giuliani are considerably more liberal than the conservative base. Giuliani's pro-choice and pro gay rights positions would make it very difficult for him to win the nomination, and McCain is reviled by religious conservatives for his role in the philibuster compromise. Rice's views are less known, but she's also on record as being pro-choice. I think a Hillary/Rice or Hillary/McCain matchup would be great, but I suspect the Republicans may nominate a holy roller from the South like Miss. Governor Haley Barbour.

The Question

WordInterrupted said:
You'd be a much more intelligent person if you didn't listen to bombastic blowhards.

That said, both McCain and Giuliani are considerably more liberal than the conservative base. Giuliani's pro-choice and pro gay rights positions would make it very difficult for him to win the nomination, and McCain is reviled by religious conservatives for his role in the philibuster compromise. Rice's views are less known, but she's also on record as being pro-choice. I think a Hillary/Rice or Hillary/McCain matchup would be great, but I suspect the Republicans may nominate a holy roller from the South like Miss. Governor Haley Barbour.

Translation: "If you're smart, you won't listen to know-nothing windbags with ten pound egos in two pound bags. Now listen to me!"



Mrs. Big Dick McGee
WordInterrupted said:
You'd be a much more intelligent person if you didn't listen to bombastic blowhards.


That said, both McCain and Giuliani are considerably more liberal than the conservative base. Giuliani's pro-choice and pro gay rights positions would make it very difficult for him to win the nomination, and McCain is reviled by religious conservatives for his role in the philibuster compromise. Rice's views are less known, but she's also on record as being pro-choice. I suspect the Republicans may nominate a holy roller from the South like Miss. Governor Haley Barbour, but I think a Hillary/Rice matchup would be great.

I've had about all of the holy roller ultra conservatism I can take. I am very unhappy with how Bush has conducted himself in this, his final term as president. I'll never be a looney, leftist, tree hugging wack-a-loon liberal but I'm a tad tired of Mr. Bush's "trust me" stance on everything.

McCain would be a welcome candidate, Guiliani, not so much but I like him and I'd vote for him were he to become the 2008 Republican candidate.

Conde up against Hillary, well that would just be cool. 8)

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Any male over 35 with a pulse could beat Hillary in 2008.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know

The Question

Julie Strain. In a chainmail thong. And nothing else.


Ninja Kitten
Whats quite sad is Hillary still can't get better than 42% of the vote in staw polls. :p

But I don't know for sure about Condi yet. She says she doesn't want to run, so I'd see about getting her a bit more face time... Likely as a VP to someone else who can bring in the center. She's already got fairly good props from much of the Religious Right, A) being a minister's daughter, B) vocal devout christian. So for the Center we'd need a FACE, ie someone with alot of recognition. Ben Stein for example. :p

Okay maybe not. Guiliani would possibly be able to make it, but we'd still lose traditional blue states like NY and MA. A fairly consistent small government campaigner would go leagues to quelling the Libertarian/Repub divide, as well as re-center the base.

But the issues that'll really come into play:
1) Illegal immigration/Alien status/Porous Borders
2) Small government/entitlements


Troll Kingdom Ambassador
Whats quite sad is Hillary still can't get better than 42% of the vote in staw polls.

I don't know what polls you read, but I've seen her get up into the mid forties when paired against Rice and Giuliani. She doesn't do well against McCain, but her support has increased significantly over the past few years. She's a skillful politician, and she's married to one of the most skillful policiticans that has ever lived. I think she'd run a much better campaign than Kerry or Gore.

But the issues that'll really come into play:
1) Illegal immigration/Alien status/Porous Borders
2) Small government/entitlements

Just because those are your pet issues doesn't mean they'll decide the election. Expanding entitlements is one of the ways Bush has kept poor, blue collar conservatives in his coalition. If the Republican party actually lived by its stated values and decreased the size of government, it would be much more difficult for it to maintain its electoral majority.


Factional Warfare
I'm hoping for something along the lines of a Mc Cain/Rice ticket.


I love this place
Rice is less likely than McCain to make it past primary season, IMO - as is anybody resembling moderate or minority.

Look for another Southern rural-religious type to win. How well they'd play against Hillary depends mostly on how many moderates got sick of the last one.

As usual, any moderates still buying into the Republican party will, no matter how much they're complaining now, will end up voting the party presidential ticket in fall of `08, as happened with all the folks I knew who claimed that if McCain lost out in the primaries, they would jump off the bandwagon rather than vote for Bush.


Factional Warfare
As an independant, a McCain/Rice ticket would be a fucking dream. But then, I would love to see any sort of ticket with a sense of moderation, something BOTH parties have refused to embrace, which is why I am a damned independant now anyway. I voted for Bush the first time, after about five minutes in the ballot box. Because in the end I just couldn't manage to vote for Gore. His scripts were bad, I mean real bad, and he made statements that just made him look like he was on drugs. Or maybe he was, I don't know. I voted for Bush the second time because I hated Kerry just that much, although I wasn't real happy to be voting for Bush. The point here? Well, I have distaste for both sides, but in the end, I'm going to vote for the one that scares me the least. Because I am damn sure going to vote.

So how does this relate to Hillary? She scares the hell out of me. But there are some Republicans right now that actually scare me more. So if it's not some version of McCain/Rice, then I'm probably going to vote for Hillary. Call it six to five and you pick em', as it stands right now.

The Question

Then let's hope, for all our sakes, that we get a McCain/Rice ticket. Although, personally -- from what I know of her record -- anybody but Hillary. And I normally hate that kind of voting, so that oughta tell you how I feel about the bitch.