Why do my dirty socks smell like cheese?

The Question

It's not like I don't know they're gonna smell bad. That's a given. What I can't figure out is why they smell like nacho cheese. Seriously, I'm not fuckin' kidding, here. My dirty socks smell like a just-opened bag of Doritos. There's no way to properly explain it. Go to your local convenience store, buy a bag of "Nacho Cheesier" Doritos, open that sucker up and take a big ol' whiff.

That's what my sweaty socks smell like. It's not that Doritos smell bad, mind you -- they smell like what they're supposed to smell like. It's that my dirty socks smell... good. And that... is not supposed to happen.

The Question

Oh, and also, before I took my shoes off tonight, I got real nice and liquored up on Mountain Dew and vodka. So, y'know, in case you think that might figure into it somehow.


Boobie inspector
Maybe Doritos are made from dead foot skin.

I mean toes is right there in the name.

Kind of.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Why do you think I stepped on a dorito once?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
You know what else is complicated? Why do some cheeses have holes?


I want to smell dark matter
It's because of science.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I have to type crap Latin terms like this in my PowerPoint projects every day.

Damn those pharmaceutical company clients with their deep pockets...


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I have to type crap Latin terms like this in my PowerPoint projects every day.

Damn those pharmaceutical company clients with their deep pockets...

You should have listened to what I had to caption yesterday from the Department of Health, New York. Instead of using the regular drug terms for Ritalin and all that, they had to use the REAL PHARM NAMES LIKE METHODROXYSINEALTHATEBLAHBLAHBLAH and my head nearly exploded.

And some of those peoples accents are thick, and on top of the audio sucking...

*head implodes*

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Welcome to my world. It seems like everyone who has been hired by a pharmaceutical company or become a published doctor in the past 5 years has come from a country where it's against the law to have a last name with less than 5 syllables.



Elitist Redheaded Trollop
It really is insane. There were metha, metho, dextro and all those and I'm thinking JUST CALL IT FUCKING PROVIGIL OR NUVIGIL and stop using the term for narcolepsy no one's ever heard of.