Why do people watch Movies?


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Is it because we like to watch others live out our fantasies, or go places and do things that we lack the ability in our own lives to actually achieve?

Is it for inspiration to help us become more active in society?

Is it for ambition to help us set goals where we turn to actors and actresses as role models

I don't really watch a lot of movies anymore, but this is something to think about?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
It's a more clever way to kill time while we're waiting to die than merely staring at the wall.


Is this real life?
It's probably also useful as an experience-gaining tool. You see how others might react in a situation, and then you can analyse their actions and consider how you would deal with it.

However, after watching Skyline last night, I am wondering why I would go to the movies.


It should be another way of communicating ideas, thought, stories...in sort it should be art. It's incredibly telling of humanity and American culture that cinema and music somehow became industries, producing 95% garbage that is eagerly consumed.


Is this real life?
You don't get nothin' for free in this world, least of all something that's been laboured over and invested in to the tune of millions. I don't see anything wrong with movies and music being a commercial venture, and building industries that allow thousands of people to have a hand in the production. But it is a bit depressing when trashy franchises get sequel after sequel that people lap up, while really thoughtful and intriguing stories are barely acknowledged.

The commercialisation and industrialisation of the fine art world is far more irritating to me, though. Idiots like Roy Lichtenstein (he's dead, but since he didn't create much of "his" work anyway, they could keep pumping them out if they wanted to), etc.


Is this real life?
Btw, part of an IMDb review of Skyline:

I'm usually very tolerant of peoples' opinions, but not this time. This movie sucked and if you liked it you should be locked in a gas chamber. Stop stinking up my Sci-Fi genre you shiteating troglodytes, it's because of people like you bullshit like this winds up becoming par for the course for the Sci-Fi genre.


I want to smell dark matter
For research purposes for my female celebrity rankings.

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
Depends on the movie.


Boobie inspector
Mostly escapism.

They also used to give me ideas for my own stories, but since I havent wrote anything in years thats pretty much a mute point now.