Why is it supposed to be a bad thing that people want to win the money?

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
I mean, it's a game show. The entire point of it is to win.

You don't see people on The Weakest Link shouting at the other players "YOU'RE JUST HERE FOR THE MONEY!!! I'M HERE FOR THE EXPERIENCE!!!!".

Not to mention the fact that someone saying "I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE MONEY. NOPE. NOT ME. NOT ALL. NUH UH." over and over and over again is more annoying than someone just saying "Yes I am on this gameshow to win money."


Is this real life?
All you're interested in is the 'undred grand. :phpmad:


Boobie inspector
I'm not interested in the money, I just want to get my tits out in nuts

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Same thing happens here. It's usually said by sore losers.

It's the same phenomonen as loser nerds who gaggle together and decide that they are the "good" people, and that it would be awful if a "bad" person won the money. It's just as useless an idea as anyone saying they "deserve" the money more. Nobody "deserves" it at all; the point is simply to be the last one standing, and that's it.


I want to smell dark matter
Marcus would have put it to the best use (action figures.) The rest will just waste it.