Wise Words From Your Lord & Master, TQ!

The Question

Verily shalt thou go out among the Tribes of Man; and thou shalt consumeth of their Pie; and thou shalt partaketh of their Natalie Portmans thereunto; and thou shalt telleth among them thy rape jokes; and thou shalt vieweth the titzes of their women, and gropeth thereupon unto thy joy; and thou shalt taste not of the woes of their politicians, for they are like unto the swine and dung beetles and party poopers, yea. For thine is the Pie, and the Titzes, and the Natalie Portmans, for ever and ever,



Mrs. Big Dick McGee
The Question said:
Verily shalt thou go out among the Tribes of Man; and thou shalt consumeth of their Pie; and thou shalt partaketh of their Natalie Portmans thereunto; and thou shalt telleth among them thy rape jokes; and thou shalt vieweth the titzes of their women, and gropeth thereupon unto thy joy; and thou shalt taste not of the woes of their politicians, for they are like unto the swine and dung beetles and party poopers, yea. For thine is the Pie, and the Titzes, and the Natalie Portmans, for ever and ever,




Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I don't like rape or Natalie Portman.

The Question

^^Oh. Okay, then. Forget what I said about the rape jokes and Natalie Portman. Those are off-limits. Um... yea verily. Can they still have the pie and titzes?


I want to smell dark matter
Natalie Portman.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
The Question said:
^^Oh. Okay, then. Forget what I said about the rape jokes and Natalie Portman. Those are off-limits. Um... yea verily. Can they still have the pie and titzes?


The Question

^^Excellent! (Gotta have some selling points for the masses, you know!) ;)


I want to smell dark matter
The soulless minions of orthodoxy.