Yet another Asshole that has Embarrassed the United States


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Here is some African American fucktard in Korea that was on the bus running his mouth on his cellphone disturbing other riders. He was politely asked by an elderly korean couple to put his phone away, and decided to become beligerant. He was told in Korean (cupcakea) which in korean means (you) trying to get his attention. This dumb bastard thought this elderly couple called him a "cupcakeer", and the results is what you see in this video


Note that this is a 61 year old woman he is attacking.....

I wonder has Obama been told about this! mmph:


Was his reaction over the top? - Yes
Was his stance understandable if he felt he had been called a 'cupcakeer'? - Yes.

It's a shame he lost any moral highground, despite the misunderstanding, when he chose to be a foul-mouthed & abusive shitbag.


I want to smell dark matter
RE: Yet another Asshole that has Embarrassed the United States



beer, I want beer
Was his reaction over the top? - Yes
Was his stance understandable if he felt he had been called a 'cupcakeer'? - Yes.

It's a shame he lost any moral highground, despite the misunderstanding, when he chose to be a foul-mouthed & abusive shitbag.

The only problem with this logic is that the guy was supposedly an English teacher, so his knowledge of Korean must be enough to include basic words like "Nigah". After a second or two, he's just a bully. It would have been nice to see the bus go all "yellow horde" on him and ninja his stupid ass.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
The only problem with this logic is that the guy was supposedly an English teacher, so his knowledge of Korean must be enough to include basic words like "Nigah". After a second or two, he's just a bully. It would have been nice to see the bus go all "yellow horde" on him and ninja his stupid ass.

I thought about this too.

There sits an ENTIRE BUS full of young koreans that I am more than sure could have easily taken his dumb ass down, yet they all cose to just stand there and do nothing. :mmph:

I would very much like to know what happened to this assclown, and if he was either arrested and jailed by the Korean Police, or deported back to the states for this