ACatBornInAnOvenIsNotACake Is A RETARD


Mmm mabee; ill check them out next wk

I Love Cunt

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Be kind bitches.

Of course we would be kind SuN. Why wouldn't we? I would never call anyone ugly or make fun of them for something they have no control over. You on the other hand did-and that is why I reacted to you. If I make fun of people-its for something they have control over.


reacted, what?
I thought u were just a fat gossiping whore.....mabee u wont appear as such a fruitcakecrazeebitch if others know ur just 'reacting'

I Love Cunt

Watch It
Its ok, I don't care what I "appear" as. I am not here to impress. Gossip? When did I gossip? But these are much better "insults". You are doing good.


Shut up idiot, my point was that if ur reacting to something that doesn't exist, not only are u a fucking moron but a weakling


moral imperfection
^Nah, let them fight. They gotta get it out of their system, it's unhealthy to hold back and suffer from festering anger while putting on a nice face in public.

Besides, I like the chance to learn new insults *copies the latest one to her "List Of Insults Applicable For Pissing Other Females Off"*

Having said that... now that I have seen SuN's pic, I would like to mention that I am deeply impressed by the number of really great-looking women posting in the Badlands.

Love Child

One Love
Shut up idiot, my point was that if ur reacting to something that doesn't exist, not only are u a fucking moron but a weakling

I think you were the first one that reacted to me calling you a dual, and to me saying cute people should be shot. So who is the weakling?


Pinata Whacker
I think you were the first one that reacted to me calling you a dual, and to me saying cute people should be shot. So who is the weakling?

You're both weak. You girls don't realize that this feud is nothing more than a manifestation of the underlying sexual tension that exists between you. Dr. Loktar PHD(Pretty Hawt Dammit) prescribes that you both engage in hours and hours of hot lesbian sex and PM pix of said activities to me and my two consultants (Yub and Pickle) for further anal-ysis.


I think you were the first one that reacted to me calling you a dual, and to me saying cute people should be shot. So who is the weakling?

Dumbdumb; U were not the first to call me a dual- and yas i told u to stfu in reaction to ur obvious statement...I was rather transperent in my 'reaction'; unlike urself...which was the original point of calling u a weakling.
Do u have to be spoon-fed every damn time?

Second, i thought it was mirah that said cute pple should be shot; oh that's right..mirah is u...the dual u use to express urself b/c u cant manage it as LC, not to mention u only red me with that account also...adding further weight to u being a weakling.

u fucking worm.

Btw, some moar hand-feeding; my reaction to the cute pple statement was not in any sort of defence of cute pple, but rather pointing and laughing, with a little bit of insult thrown in, at ur disclosure of being fucking ugly.


I love you
Some would beg to differ on that opinion up there. Like I said, I don't call people ugly. Never have, never will. I may laugh at thier hairstyle or choice of clothing, but I would never mention thier physical features.
Also, its not a secret that I post with duals.
Talk to Marquis De Sade lately?
Go ahead, spoon feed me baby, I'm enjoying it.


stfu ur the bitch that started this shit, so don't attempt to weazel out by talking up ur humanitarianism; and just b/c u now know that my boobz are hawter than urs, ur suddenly trying to be rational.

And...what exactly does marquis have to do with this?
Are u just schizo-ranting again? u poor pathetic soul

Fuck u fat ugly skank, i hope u die alone and ur cat eats u.


Oh and dont forget to spin around the 'badlands pole' again, im sure we can all accommodate ur desperate need to feel sexy, just one more time.


Loktar: I thought you were a guy. Stop messing with my heads!;)

:D keep me out of ur fantasy's then, mmmkay?


K ;)

Tho I'm not dancing with the token stripper of teh badlands, just so u know.