Am I Black ?


In Sorte Diaboli
The Darkness of my Soul drifts Me away
To the Sea
of Blood
and Wine
and Roses

Satan ? Where are You ?
Could you be the God I am waiting for ?
God ? He's Dead !

My soul Wanders in the Blackness of my Spirit
And I Wonder
Am I Black ?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
He's right behind you!


New Member


New Member
yo yo, me like your poetry me could rap it, it would be fre fre fresh!


beer, I want beer
The Darkness of my Soul drifts Me away
To the Sea
of Blood
and Wine
and Roses

Satan ? Where are You ?
Could you be the God I am waiting for ?
God ? He's Dead !

My soul Wanders in the Blackness of my Spirit
And I Wonder
Am I Black ?

Neither Satan, nor God, exist. This entire 'poem' makes you a complete moron who reads fairy tales for his 'faith'. You are too stupid to realise that 'God' is a fucking Jewish invention, designed to take over the planet.


beer, I want beer
If we all came from Africa, then we are ALL BLACK!


When are people like yourself going to get it through your thick skulls? It is a fucking THEORY that we all came from Africa. Not a fucking fact. It has never been proven that we originated in Africa. Read up on Pangea, you moron. I do not believe for a minor second that I have even the slightest hint of cupcakeER within my body. There is no way I have INFERIOR bred right into my genes. No one has successfully explained how, if we did come from cupcakeERS, then why is it we look COMPLETELY DIFFERENT? Fucking morons.

I should like to remind dumbfucks like yourself that the OLDEST skeleton ever found in America was WHITE! Of course the skeleton information was covered up to appease the Natives who did not want it revealed, lest they lose every single demand for land they currently have before our respective governments.


beer, I want beer