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White Nationalism: The Only Rational Choice

Once upon a time the earth was presumed to be flat, and the center of the universe. Just because people "used to" teach something that's ridiculous doesn't make it true. It just makes it widely distributed ridiculousness.

All theories are not created equal.

Poking fun at racists is never a waste of time.
I only wish I could do it for a living... talk about loving your job!
I guess what I'm trying to say here, without using big words, is Get Used To It.

The reasons certain demographic subsets trend in one direction or another are many and complex, but have fuckall to do with physiology.

Racists have nothing to bring into an argument without making wild-assed extrapolations from actual facts and using anecdotal "proof" in support of their silly beliefs.

Don't get me wrong- I'm not trying to change your mind.
I know that's almost impossible and basically couldn't care less if you want to spend your entire life as a stupid mutherfucker.

I'm just here for the lulz.

Aww, don't quit now... you're doing so well.

The fact NIGGERS commit by far the majority of crime ON THIS PLANET has nothing to do with their race, the intellectual inferiority that comes with their race? Alrighty then.

I would suggest you watch 'Blackhawk Down' one night, and see how NIGGERS truly act without any Whites restraining them. The events in the movie actually happened. Our own Canadian Forces are proof of this, with some of our soldiers suggesting the Blacks were fucking 'ANIMALS'. That about sums it up. NIGGERS are not even human, only LIBERAL fucks like yourself suggest they are human.
Quite untrue. You prefer our women because yours are so fugly, just as you men are. All NIGGERS brag about their schlongs, but one NEVER mentions how 'beautiful' a NIGGER is. Only WHITES can be beautiful, which is why you seek out our women. There is no such thing as a 'beautiful' NIGGER, CHINK, PAKI, etc. woman. Only WHITE women are beautiful. NIGGERS who manage to land WHITE women actually consider this to be the crowning achievements in their lives. This is ALL that NIGGER males aspire to. Not much of a race, one may say.

All NIGGER males in Toronto do seek out White women. They manage ONLY to land out fat, fugly (TO US that is) skank. I have NEVER seen a NIGGER male in Toronto with a (to us) 'beautiful' WHITE woman. Hmmm, why is that? The NIGGERS are proud of landing our garbage.

The problem with Asian pussy, is you fuck it and you're horny again an hour later.

The fact you display lust for CHINK pussy suggests that you are quite inferior, and possibly NOT White. Neither myself, nor any White guy I know has EVER displayed a lust for CHINK females. That alone is rather telling about you.
Whose Empire also fell the hardest? Oh that's right, the British.

You mean the same Empire that was destroyed keeping the world FREE? The same Empire that GAVE YOU some territories in exchange for warships that the Home Country may survive? You DARE to mock the Empire's fall when it saved your country from speaking German? You sir, are a complete MORON. TWICE, the British Empire saved the world, yet you dare to make such remarks? Duh? Read some history, dipshit.
The fact you display lust for CHINK pussy suggests that you are quite inferior, and possibly NOT White. Neither myself, nor any White guy I know has EVER displayed a lust for CHINK females. That alone is rather telling about you.

I'm as white as they come, you crack smoking donkey fucker. And Asian women are hot as fuck. Speaking of inferiority, clearly racists have a deep-seated insecurity of their own racial identity along with a healthy dose of self loathing. I for one am proud to be white, but I also love people of all races. My ex wife was part Native(Apache/Latina on her dad's side, German on her mother's side). My kids are mixed race. I'm quite comfortable with my racial identity, apparently you're struggling with yours and as a result, overcompensating.
Once upon a time the earth was presumed to be flat, and the center of the universe. Just because people "used to" teach something that's ridiculous doesn't make it true. It just makes it widely distributed ridiculousness.

All theories are not created equal.

Poking fun at racists is never a waste of time.
I only wish I could do it for a living... talk about loving your job!
I guess what I'm trying to say here, without using big words, is Get Used To It.

The reasons certain demographic subsets trend in one direction or another are many and complex, but have fuckall to do with physiology.

Racists have nothing to bring into an argument without making wild-assed extrapolations from actual facts and using anecdotal "proof" in support of their silly beliefs.

Don't get me wrong- I'm not trying to change your mind.
I know that's almost impossible and basically couldn't care less if you want to spend your entire life as a stupid mutherfucker.

I'm just here for the lulz.

Aww, don't quit now... you're doing so well.

This post of yours makes no fucking sense and is, in fact, legal proof you're mentally incompetent. Enjoy your short bus, jack... er... Vitriol.
I'm as white as they come, you crack smoking donkey fucker. And Asian women are hot as fuck.

Well, I know that all the Asian women I raped and killed certainly bucked and screamed like they enjoyed it... so who knows...

Oh God... did I type that out loud???! :shock:

Speaking of inferiority, clearly racists have a deep-seated insecurity of their own racial identity along with a healthy dose of self loathing.

Replace "racists" with "niggers" and we've got a Berkley seminar in the making!

I for one am proud to be white, but I also love people of all races.

See? See? I'm a good guy. Got the badge and everything! See what a good little tame white boy I am? I don't hate niggers, spics, or chinks!!!


My ex wife was part Native(Apache/Latina on her dad's side, German on her mother's side). My kids are mixed race. I'm quite comfortable with my racial identity, apparently you're struggling with yours and as a result, overcompensating.

See? I got proof I'm not an evil racist! I married a mud and she shit out some mud children! I can't possibly be a racist!

:lol: I love me some libruls!

You mean the same Empire that was destroyed keeping the world FREE? The same Empire that GAVE YOU some territories in exchange for warships that the Home Country may survive? You DARE to mock the Empire's fall when it saved your country from speaking German? You sir, are a complete MORON. TWICE, the British Empire saved the world, yet you dare to make such remarks? Duh? Read some history, dipshit.

The same empire whose actions against Germany after WWI allowed Hitler to come to power, and attack them. The same empire who carved the Middle-East up into the shitstorm that it is today. YOU are the dipshit, sir.
only LIBERAL fucks like yourself suggest they are human.

So anyone who prefers reason to blinkered ignorance is a "liberal"?
Whatever you say, sport.

Racists are even funnier when they decry "liberals" or "hippies" or some other segment of the populace just because that segment declines the invitation to quit thinking and just get on with the all-important task of hating stuff.

What a poor excuse for an ego that is, to be mad at someone simply for refusing to pretend you're right? What a damaged, fragile soul that sort of person must possess.

If I weren't such an asshole I might be moved to pity, instead of the laughter I'm currently enjoying.
So anyone who prefers reason to blinkered ignorance is a "liberal"?
Whatever you say, sport.

Racists are even funnier when they decry "liberals" or "hippies" or some other segment of the populace just because that segment declines the invitation to quit thinking and just get on with the all-important task of hating stuff.

What a poor excuse for an ego that is, to be mad at someone simply for refusing to pretend you're right? What a damaged, fragile soul that sort of person must possess.

If I weren't such an asshole I might be moved to pity, instead of the laughter I'm currently enjoying.

Do you think a liberal fuck is more fun then a conservative fuck? Sure seems like it would be.
Do you think a liberal fuck is more fun then a conservative fuck? Sure seems like it would be.

Mental image of a wild "do whatever you want" vixen compared to a "no lights on, missionary only, please hurry I have to pack the kids' lunch for tomorrow" borefest...

Um, yeah. Definitely.
To top all posts in this thread, I'm thinking of posting a pic of my wife wearing nothing by a nazi flag. Considering that pic might irreversibly damage her career, I doubt it's going to happen; we are, of course, talking about a woman I have to threaten to murder in order to get a blowjob from her. But we'll see.
To top all posts in this thread, I'm thinking of posting a pic of my wife wearing nothing by a nazi flag. Considering that pic might irreversibly damage her career, I doubt it's going to happen; we are, of course, talking about a woman I have to threaten to murder in order to get a blowjob from her. But we'll see.

So there is hope?