Tell us about the glory of pale, Susie
Tell her u better GO boogie needs to poopTell us about the glory of pale, Susie
need to TUMBLRI don't need to poop right now, Susie
INTERNET is bad in every regardI probably should have a gander at Tumblr, Susie; I find a lot of good porn, there, and as we all know, THE INTERNET IS FOR PORN
Leftovers rerun at 9 and you'll need a retina scan before you're allowed to do somethingSusie has CaptainWacky watched The Leftovers through a fork yet?
Mentalist once made Hambil eat NO MICE.!insult Mentalist
Facebookalist isn't bae!insult Facebookalist
SHIT to their controllerSUSIE FUCK SHIT FUCK
can't get my chair the right height us how you really annoyed everyone when he was constantly causing troubleSusie I can't win
he's GOING TO lay around the house, and won't have the best peanut, what it saysSUsie tell Eggs he's won MY HEART
when bick went on a SPACESHIP WITH THE CATBALLSusie since when did you become The Peanut Judge? You wouldn't know the best peanut if it flew up yer nose HA