
  1. whisky

    Danko was in die hard 4

  2. Friday

    This one hits me hard...

  3. Friday

    This one hits me hard...

  4. The Castrator

    I find it hard to be you.

  5. whisky

    I find it hard to be myself

  6. Tisiphone

    If vampires are dead, how can they get hard ons????

  7. Dershocka

    Ever felt like a sex addict with a rock hard dick with no where to put it?

  8. whisky

    John Woo's hard boiled

  9. D

    Why is it so hard

  10. I Love Cunt

    Its kind of hard

    bumped for hardness.
  11. Volpone

    Apparently life is hard when you're into costumes...

  12. Big Dick McGee

    Video games that are "retarded" hard
