
  1. Tisiphone

    Skyward Sword glitch

  2. CaptainWacky

    Wind Waker remake with Skyward Sword motion plus cnotrols

  3. CaptainWacky

    on reflection, spirit tracks had better music tha skyward sword

  4. CaptainWacky

    I hat eanyone who doenst like Skyward sword

  5. Tisiphone

    Skyward Sword

  6. starguard

    Heather the Sword Swallower

  7. Eggs Mayonnaise

    The New York Times Is Very Sorry For Getting Bilbo’s Sword Wrong

  8. Tisiphone

    Saw the trailer for Zelda's Skyward Sword

  9. jack

    Fallen Sword

  10. A

    The Smiley is indeed mightier than the sword:)
