10 minute idle cutoff?

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
I know there's some proper terminology for this...whatever timer there is that logs you off of TK if you've been idle for more than a specific period of time. Used to be something like a half hour or an hour or more. Now I'm finding that if I'm on a page for more than a few minutes, TK logs me off.

Been very irritating for some of the more involved arcade games; could potentially be infuriating if I type out a long, involved post and send it, only to find I'm logged out (I usually take the precaution of copying anything lengthy that I've typed before navigating --but not always.)

Is anybody else experiencing this?


Let's fuck some shit up
Standard questions:

1. Are you checking the box when you log in that says, "keep me logged in"?
2. If yes to 1, then does your browser have cookies enabled?
3. If yes to 2, then have you deleted the cookie and logged in again?
4. If yes to 3, then did you clear your browser cache recently?
5. If yes to 4, then did you try a second browser?
6. If yes to 5, then did you have the same problems?
7. If yes to 6, then have you tried steps 1-4?
8. If yes to 7, then have you tried repeatedly hitting yourself over the head with your keyboard?
9. If yes to 8, then are you still conscious?
10. If yes to 9, then repeat step 8 until you lose consciousness.

That should fix the problem. If not, it'll at least take your mind off of it until you wake up.


beer, I want beer
deleted because Conchaga did it better.
Last edited:


moral imperfection
Yep, same for me. I have not changed a single setting to any of my PC's, but for a week now I've been thrown out of TK whenever I was idle for more than a few minutes.

2. If yes to 1, then does your browser have cookies enabled?
How do I enable cookies?
3. If yes to 2, then have you deleted the cookie and logged in again?
How do I delete cookies?
4. If yes to 3, then did you clear your browser cache recently?
How do I clear my browser? (Personally, I think that's just a Conchagaism for jerking off, but it won't hurt to ask :D )
5. If yes to 4, then did you try a second browser?
Wait, what?? :hmmm:
6. If yes to 5, then did you have the same problems?
What problems are we speaking of, again?
7. If yes to 6, then have you tried steps 1-4?
pfft, if I didn't get it right the first time, don't you think I should maybe let someone else do it?
8. If yes to 7, then have you tried repeatedly hitting yourself over the head with your keyboard?
I'm on a tiny, lightweight netbook. Wouldn't do a damn thing if I did.
9. If yes to 8, then are you still conscious?
Define 'conscious'
10. If yes to 9, then repeat step 8 until you lose consciousness.


I love you
If I don't want to be logged off I sit on the "who is online" screen. If I am actually on TK then I have that window open in a seperate tab.


Shifty sumbitch
Conchaga said:
1. Are you checking the box when you log in that says, "keep me logged in"?

Believe it or not, no. And this is the only board where I do so, wholly on account of my duals. I switch through them often enough (not as of late, duh) that it renders that box ineffective for me. And yes, I do use multiple browsers, mainly when I'm logging in multiple duals at the same time.


Shifty sumbitch
I never log in with duals from my main IP. That box stays checked at all times.

I really don't give a fuck about the IP bit. If you can't figure out a dual of mine without having to resort to an IP check, you suck.