Seriously, you and J&L dont wanna end up getting thrown into the Conchaga fan club with the angry, blehkk, ghey stalkers, do you? Maybe its time to find a new axe to grind.
Blehkk? Ghey stalkers? Say it like it is dawg. I promise too never call you on your stupidity.
Besides dawg. Its obvious that your nothing more than a go-behind brown nosin' pathetic teenage troll, who seeks the attention of dirty ole men.
Or in Conchaga case, a cowardly punk who's unable to survive in the real world. When the time comes, I(Blackfoot) will intoduce Conchaga to a mans world.
Let the punk know the diffrence between on-line bullying and real life bullying. In other words Kitty, Conchaga has to be taught a lesson. It has to be done.
And another thang Snipper:
Black. Gay stalkers. Easy as 123, huh?