2012 Election


Forever Empress E
Elections are coming up.
Are you ready?
Do you know who you are going to vote for?


Forever Empress E
Without giving the name or party affiliation of the person you are voting for, can you state just one reason, the most important one, why you are voting for that person?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Anyone who votes for Romney is a sex-s///////tarved suicide case with a decent nest egg.

That, or a Revelations nut.

Sane people just can't bring themselves to vote for Romney. There's just no sane reason.


Forever Empress E
Anyone who votes for Romney is a sex-s///////tarved suicide case with a decent nest egg.

That, or a Revelations nut.

Sane people just can't bring themselves to vote for Romney. There's just no sane reason.

I've been staying out of politics and haven't listened to anything from either side. While I'm not a Democrat, just looking at Romney gives me the creeps. He looks to me like he might smear himself all over with Brylcream before he leaves the house. I don't think it is because he is Mormon or rich but that he is quite possibly an alien lizard in disguise.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
I'm voting for Obama and I'm not shy about saying so. Fact, I'm voting straight "D" this election cycle.

I'm a public employee. The right has made us into the villains when the fiscal issues in this country are their fault.

I'm retired military. Ryan's budget calls for a 30% reduction in my benefits. Screw that. Just like the right to send us to war and then fuck us over.

I've paid for SS and Medicare my entire working life. Republicans plan to steal that as well.

What a woman does with her body is her choice and I trust women to make the right choice for themselves. For the party of smaller government, interfering in a woman's right to choose is one hell of a very big and very private intrusion into our personal lives.

Everyone deserves equal rights in this country. And to deny gays the right to marry through constitutional amendments is nothing more than than making bigotry permanent.

I am not part of the 1%. Republicans do not therefore represent my best interests.

Republicans have lied and twisted the truth at every turn. And then they lie about doing it.

Republicans are hypocrites. They rail against life long public servants as being leeches on society. And then nominate a VP that started sucking the government tit as a boy, funded his political education through the tax payers and then went straight into government service. He has ZERO private sector experience. Then they hold him up as a god.

Republicans created the current economic crises in this country. Then they deny it and blame everyone else for it.

Republicans, conservatives, tea baggers and Libertarians all claim to be different. In reality, they're all just tentacles of the same vicious beast.

Fuck conservatives. What this country needs is a very strong does of industrial rat poison.


Huh. Two posts. That's a liberal for you.

j/k. I'm disgusted with both parties and the partisanship. I don't think either party has the right answers (particularly on fiscal matters). Truth is, the answers are somewhere in the middle (Simpson-Bowles, anyone?). I say fuck unions. We have so many federal and state labor laws to protect workers--unions are outdated. I'm pro-choice, and I don't oppose gay marriage. Fiscally, we need to cut spending, realize that medicare and ss need an overhaul and fuck that 47% of the population that pay NO taxes. Everybody should be contributing at least $5.00 to the pot. Seriously, $5.00 over 47% of population...how much money would that be?

I'm not sure how I'm going to vote. I might make a protest vote by voting for some independent candidate.

Oh and one thing that REALLY pisses me off is campaign finance. Fuck the super pacs. We need MAJOR campaign finance reform so these stupid politicians aren't beholden to the goddamn special interest groups that support them.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
I'm also a STRONG union member/supporter and Chief Steward of my local.

The state and federal labor laws to which you refer are part of the regulations and oversight that Republicans want to abolish. As proof, you need look no further than states with right to work laws. Right to work sounds great. But the reality is that right to work favors the employer over the employee. It leaves the employee zero recourse to adress work place grievances, wrongful termination or inequities. It also allows employers to pay lower wages with no benefits. Unions provide competition and protection for labor laws. By destroying unions, you are destroying the balance that made the middle class an important part of our economy.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Elections are coming up.
Are you ready?
Do you know who you are going to vote for?

Why, I'm voting for me, of course.

Without giving the name or party affiliation of the person you are voting for, can you state just one reason, the most important one, why you are voting for that person?

Well, he's smart, has a quick wit, and is too damn sexy for words.


Forever Empress E
For the longest time, or at least as long as I thought I understood politics, Democrats and Republicans basically wanted the same things they just disagreed on how to accomplish those goals. Democrats tended to want more social welfare programs to provide for people. Republicans tended to want people to be able to provide for themselves. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. I prefer a combination of both ideas. Help a person when they can't help themselves and help them learn to help themselves.

I don't see any of the parties embracing that sort of an idea. They all seem to be about abortion, gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, exporting jobs, importing foreign goods, redistribution of wealth.