3 holiday pics


Boobie inspector
Yes, just three, don't want to bombard you with a bunch of stuff that will mean nothing to anyone outside the three of us who went. but thought you might like these few.

The first one is not black and white, but was taken on a beach not long after sun up when there was still some mist in the air, and the light was hitting the waves rather nicely I thought.


This was just outside Scarborough.

We also went to Whitby for the day, where this restaurant caught my eye.


And also in Whitby this place, which reminded me of lonaf.



Is this real life?
I went to Scarborough and Whitby when I were a wee lad. Nice places.

The first pic makes me wish I could go to the seaside. *sigh* Summer's nearly gone.


Boobie inspector
Where did you holiday at exactly?

Mostly Cayton bay, just outside of Scarborough, we went up to Whitby while we were there since it was much closer to where we were than where we normally live.

Most seaside towns have very similar shops now, crap touristy presents, sticks of rock, and BB guns in lurid colours so kids don't get shot by the cops, even though you have to be 18 to buy them.


Boobie inspector
Mostly, although the boy did drive me up the wall, that's the trouble with family holidays, you have to take your family.


I want to smell dark matter
Too bad you didn't come in, I was serving up EXCITEMENT BURGERS.


Is this real life?
It is a shame how everywhere looks the same these days. I went oop North earlier in the year and there were so many places that I knew for a fact I'd never visited before, but which looked so familiar. I imagine some town planners would see that as a virtue, because you can easily navigate a town you've never visited before without much effort, but in practice it's horrible. I want to get lost. That's the point of visiting new places.


Boobie inspector
You have just reminded me, I need to update my satnav, half the time it thought we were in a field, either its a fairly new road, or one of the programmers put a decimal point in the wrong place.