70 mil want new 9/11 investigation.


New member
Although the Bush administration continues to exploit September 11 to justify domestic spying, unprecedented spending and a permanent state of war, a new Zogby poll reveals that less than half of the American public trusts the official 9/11 story or believes the attacks were adequately investigated.

(The poll sponsors see knowledge of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 as a bellwether issue, because if people do not know this elementary fact, they have probably not been exposed to any independent 9/11 research at all. Because the number of respondents who support a new investigation of 9/11 (45%)) is roughly the same as the number who knew about the collapse of Building 7 (52%), it can reasonably be extrapolated that if the entire public were exposed to independent 9/11 research, about 90 percent would support a new investigation of the events of that fateful day.)

3 reasons Why it's a waste of time..

1. The government fuck up is blatantly obvious.

2. The fox guards the hen house , beating the dead horse will just cost money for no better outcome.

3. Americans should be thinking about security so this does not happen again.
You must be joking.

If it wasn't for the United States government and Israel, Muslims wouldn't be a problem!!
Messenger said:
You must be joking.

If it wasn't for the United States government and Israel, Muslims wouldn't be a problem!!

Gurk plucks out the hook that snagged his shirt and tosses it back at Messman

Tell that to the Hindoos who have been murdered by jihadis for the past 1,000 years in Kasmir ... and the Russians who's children were slaughtered by jihadis in Beslan ... or the muslims who's families were beheaded by jihadis in Algeria ... or the negro animists and christians in southern Sudan who have been slaugtered and enslaved by jihadis ... or the christian schoolgirls in Malaysia who were beheaded by jihadis just for going to a christian school ... I'm sure they will all be happy to hear that they wouldn't have anymore problems with muslims if only the US government and Israel would stop making the muslims so mad.

Nobody really wants to get into that 9-11 bullshit over and over and over. It's time to move on.
Messenger said:
Oh, see, I thought we were talking about the USA here. My mistake.

You claimed: "If it wasn't for the United States government and Israel, Muslims wouldn't be a problem!!"

I proved you wrong with a series of "muslim problems" that have nothing to do with the US government or the joos in Israel. If you wish to continue with your naive and simplistic recital of the multi-culti pablum of the blame-America crowd, then plese explain what US policy or Israel have to do with muslims on jihad in Algeria, Nigeria, Sudan, Eritrea, Bosnia/Kosovo, Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Kasmir, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Phillipines?

As for the topic - what will another dog and pony show by Congress do but waste time and resources? We know who fucked up: the liberal democrats gutted our Intelligence services under the vermin traitor Carter during the 70's and the filthy depraved pervert, Clinton, during the 90's; thus we were caught flatfooted by this latest round of Islamic jihad.
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
You claimed: "If it wasn't for the United States government and Israel, Muslims wouldn't be a problem!!"

I proved you wrong with a series of "muslim problems" that have nothing to do with the US government or the joos in Israel.
Muslim problems in the context of a thread regarding an attack in THE UNITED STATES.
If you wish to continue with your naive and simplistic recital of the multi-culti pablum of the blame-America crowd,
I am very vocal about Jewish influence in the USG, you fucking moron. Christ, your already giving myself and TQ, and other general right-wingers a bad name.
then plese explain what US policy or Israel have to do with muslims on jihad in Algeria, Nigeria, Sudan, Eritrea, Bosnia/Kosovo, Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Kasmir, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Phillipines?
Are they related to 9/11? Who gives a fuck?

As for the topic - what will another dog and pony show by Congress do but waste time and resources? We know who fucked up: the liberal democrats gutted our Intelligence services under the vermin traitor Carter during the 70's and the filthy depraved pervert, Clinton, during the 90's; thus we were caught flatfooted by this latest round of Islamic jihad.
You're preaching to the choir.
Messenger said:
Muslim problems in the context of a thread regarding an attack in THE UNITED STATES.


I am very vocal about Jewish influence in the USG, you fucking moron. Christ, your already giving myself and TQ, and other general right-wingers a bad name.

And I should give a shit that some other nards here don't like your politics?

... then plese explain what US policy or Israel have to do with muslims on jihad in Algeria, Nigeria, Sudan, Eritrea, Bosnia/Kosovo, Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Kasmir, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Phillipines?

Are they related to 9/11? Who gives a fuck?

You're preaching to the choir.

Yes, they ARE related to 9/11. Apparently you fail to understand that Islam has been at war with the entire rest of the world since 632 ad. The history of Islam is a history of bloodshed, violence and conquest. Every single nation that today is Islamic was at one time invaded by slathering hordes of bloody-minded fanatics who gave their conquered foes one simple choice: Conform or Die. And taking a cursory glance around our world today: Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, Eritrea, Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Kashmir, Thailand, Indonesia, Phillipines - we see conflict after conflict that involves muslims who cannot get along with their non-muslim neighbors and want to convert them to their phucked up religion or kill them.

What happened on 9/11/01 was simply a continuation of a worldwide trend over the last 30 or 40 years - namely, a resurgence of the Jihad which had been quiescent in the Islamic world since the 18th century.

I know your thread is about a domestic issue, but no discussion of 9/11 can be complete without also discussing the evil ideology of Islam, and no discussion of Islam can be had without talking about Jihad, which is a universalist mission for all muslim scum in the Umma.

reference on the universalist mission of Jihad:

Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406), ostensibly the pre-eminent Islamic scholar in history, summarized five centuries of prior Muslim jurisprudence with regard to the uniquely Islamic institution of jihad, as follows:

"In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the (Muslim) mission and (the obligation to) convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. ..The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense. ..Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations."

http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Printabl e.asp?ID=4857

http://talk.guardian.co.uk/[email protected] [email protected]/1922
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
And I should give a shit that some other nards here don't like your politics?
I'm trying to say that I agree with most of your stances on issues, just not your ways of presenting them.

There's nothing wrong with being blunt, but you do at times put more issues in a blanket than should be.

Yes, they ARE related to 9/11. Apparently you fail to understand that Islam has been at war with the entire rest of the world since 632 ad. The history of Islam is a history of bloodshed, violence and conquest. Every single nation that today is Islamic was at one time invaded by slathering hordes of bloody-minded fanatics who gave their conquered foes one simple choice: Conform or Die. And taking a cursory glance around our world today: Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, Eritrea, Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Kashmir, Thailand, Indonesia, Phillipines - we see conflict after conflict that involves muslims who cannot get along with their non-muslim neighbors and want to convert them to their phucked up religion or kill them.
Did they even matter before 1938? The problem does not stem from them, but from the allowal of white, western governments, controlled by cosmopolitan Jews, to let them emmigrate en masse.

What happened on 9/11/01 was simply a continuation of a worldwide trend over the last 30 or 40 years - namely, a resurgence of the Jihad which had been quiescent in the Islamic world since the 18th century.
You are such an Israeli peon if you believe this 'clash of cultures' nonsense.

The only reason Muslims have become an issue is because them and Jews don't get along. End of discussion, all other priorities are rescinded, and I challenge any one of the Leftist wimps like Hambil, Hairball, Cait, Wordin, or any the you fucking psuedo-intellectuals to really take a contrary position to this, even though we all know that Hairball is the only one with the guts, intellect, and knowledge to even approach this topic, even if I'm flat-on-my-face wrong or not.

The rifles of Europe protected it hundreds of years ago from the threat of Islam, and now, the nuclear bombs protect the Western European nations.

I know your thread is about a domestic issue, but no discussion of 9/11 can be complete without also discussing the evil ideology of Islam, and no discussion of Islam can be had without talking about Jihad, which is a universalist mission for all muslim scum in the Umma.
I understand what you mean, but it's on a much smaller level of national dynamics - look at Albanians. Supposedly atheist, Muslims from birth, who act like rats at every turn.

Right now, Sweden is facing a wave of gang-rapes by Muslims. So is Australia. In fact, there were race riots there in which the Aussies didn't approve to Lebonese gangs proclaiming Australians to be racist, for Australia to belong to them, etc. Of course, it was skewed in favor of the turbs.

If it wasn't from huge national vulnerabilities, like that which atheistical and ethnocentrics Jews seek to widen, such countries would not be vulnerable to a Fundamentalist Muslim threat.

reference on the universalist mission of Jihad:

Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406), ostensibly the pre-eminent Islamic scholar in history, summarized five centuries of prior Muslim jurisprudence with regard to the uniquely Islamic institution of jihad, as follows:

"In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the (Muslim) mission and (the obligation to) convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. ..The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense. ..Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations."

http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Printabl e.asp?ID=4857

http://talk.guardian.co.uk/[email protected] [email protected]/1922
More preaching to the choir.
Messenger said:
I'm trying to say that I agree with most of your stances on issues, just not your ways of presenting them.

There's nothing wrong with being blunt, but you do at times put more issues in a blanket than should be.

My ways of presenting them? Then it's a shame for you that you only know this persona. I was washed up here in the aftermath of a troll war and troll is in the title of this forum; thus I am a troll. And in trollish fashion I will present what is true in ways that some people won't like.

Did they even matter before 1938? The problem does not stem from them, but from the allowal of white, western governments, controlled by cosmopolitan Jews, to let them emmigrate en masse.

A problem that can be blamed squarely on liberal/socialist/left ideology.

You are such an Israeli peon if you believe this 'clash of cultures' nonsense.

The only reason Muslims have become an issue is because them and Jews don't get along. End of discussion,

I disagree. Israel and every jew could cease to exist tomorrow and the world would still face the Jihad problem. The problem with Islam is Islam itself. It is based upon hatred and fear, was spread through violence and coercion and is maintained only through ignorance, intimidation and fear. Islam is in reality an ideology, as it's doctrines and tenets make clear. As an ideology -like Nazism - it should be utterly destroyed and every muslim who refuses to renouce Islam must be extirminated if there is ever to be peace in the world.

Bottom line: I'd rather be kiked by a joo than be beheaded by a jihadi.

I challenge any one of the Leftist wimps like Hambil, Hairball, Cait, Wordin, or any the you fucking psuedo-intellectuals to really take a contrary position to this, even though we all know that Hairball is the only one with the guts, intellect, and knowledge to even approach this topic, even if I'm flat-on-my-face wrong or not.

Hairyballbag's the best they got?! I've already thrashed him. He ran away six days ago from that nice discussion we were having about commie rats and perverts and hasn't been back since. If that's the best libtard they got here that's pretty damned pathetic!

I understand what you mean, but it's on a much smaller level of national dynamics - look at Albanians. Supposedly atheist, Muslims from birth, who act like rats at every turn.

Right now, Sweden is facing a wave of gang-rapes by Muslims. So is Australia. In fact, there were race riots there in which the Aussies didn't approve to Lebonese gangs proclaiming Australians to be racist, for Australia to belong to them, etc. Of course, it was skewed in favor of the turbs.

If it wasn't from huge national vulnerabilities, like that which atheistical and ethnocentrics Jews seek to widen, such countries would not be vulnerable to a Fundamentalist Muslim threat.

There's more to it than jews, Messman. And it is inaccurate to mis-name the threat "Fundamentalist Muslim" as if the jihad phenomenon was being perpetrated by a small and radical fringe of kooks within the islamic umma.

The FACT is that such jihadis as Bin Laden and Al Zarqowi can only be defined as "good muslims" according to Koran, Hadith and Sunnah. They do not represent the "radical fringe" of muslims - they represent the "purest core" of islamic tenet. This is why we hear a resounding silence from the muslim world concerning all the heinous atrocities that continue to be committed by muslim scum in the name of Islam - "moderate" muslims can't condemn because these actions are being done by "good muslims" for "good islamic reasons" and cannot be criticized on the basis of anything in Islamic thought.

The real "radical fringe" of the Umma are those muslims who speak out against Jihad.
Starburn said:
Nobody really wants to get into that 9-11 bullshit over and over and over. It's time to move on.

Yeah! it's old news innit!

And that Jesus bloke.. That was like million of years ago! Old news!

Jus' forget about it, innit!
Mentalist said:
Yeah! it's old news innit!

And that Jesus bloke.. That was like million of years ago! Old news!

Jus' forget about it, innit!
Yeah. Fuck that Jesus dude.
Starburn said:
Yeah. Fuck that Jesus dude.
Translation: I have almost zero knowledge regarding the September 11 attacks, because if I did, I would approach this topic with a bit more respect.
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
My ways of presenting them? Then it's a shame for you that you only know this persona. I was washed up here in the aftermath of a troll war and troll is in the title of this forum; thus I am a troll. And in trollish fashion I will present what is true in ways that some people won't like.

A problem that can be blamed squarely on liberal/socialist/left ideology.
Which Jews have been a major proponent of, in the same way that whites have been proponents of slavery in times past.

I disagree. Israel and every jew could cease to exist tomorrow and the world would still face the Jihad problem.
No, because the world free of the harmful influence of an intelligent minority demanding than anything other than the acceptance and assimilation of XENOs in western society would not be subject to London bombings, because all the fucking terrorists would be gone, and they could blow each other up in their own deserts.

The problem with Islam is Islam itself. It is based upon hatred and fear, was spread through violence and coercion and is maintained only through ignorance, intimidation and fear. Islam is in reality an ideology, as it's doctrines and tenets make clear.
Like Christianity. It is but a religion, and can be contained, but not as long as Leftist Jews seek to undermine Christian European society with 'foaming-at-the-mouth' ideals of acceptance of tolerance of EVERYTHING foreign!

As an ideology -like Nazism - it should be utterly destroyed and every muslim who refuses to renouce Islam must be extirminated if there is ever to be peace in the world.
Like Nazism? Why?

Bottom line: I'd rather be kiked by a joo than be beheaded by a jihadi.
Then 'teh joo' has totally fooled you, and has made you antagonistic towards his current enemy.

Hairyballbag's the best they got?! I've already thrashed him. He ran away six days ago from that nice discussion we were having about commie rats and perverts and hasn't been back since. If that's the best libtard they got here that's pretty damned pathetic!
TJHairball is the only leftist critter out of the pathetic lot of middle-class-acting, pompous ideological scum like Hambil, Wordin, and Caitriona, who is ready and able to at least try to debate most any issues presented before him.

Perhaps he has a life? If you feel so strongly about him, then maybe you should accost him the next time he is online and posts.

There's more to it than jews, Messman. And it is inaccurate to mis-name the threat "Fundamentalist Muslim" as if the jihad phenomenon was being perpetrated by a small and radical fringe of kooks within the islamic umma.

The FACT is that such jihadis as Bin Laden and Al Zarqowi can only be defined as "good muslims" according to Koran, Hadith and Sunnah. They do not represent the "radical fringe" of muslims - they represent the "purest core" of islamic tenet. This is why we hear a resounding silence from the muslim world concerning all the heinous atrocities that continue to be committed by muslim scum in the name of Islam - "moderate" muslims can't condemn because these actions are being done by "good muslims" for "good islamic reasons" and cannot be criticized on the basis of anything in Islamic thought.

The real "radical fringe" of the Umma are those muslims who speak out against Jihad.
