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70 mil want new 9/11 investigation.

Yep, and a plane hit the pentagon, and those brave souls crashed the plane theselves rather than let it hit wehat the white house or the capital, qucik now which one?, and Osama Bin Laden oversaw all of it, and Kennedy was killed by one shot to the back of the head.
Oh yeah and saddam hussein was responsible for 9/11 and had weapons of mass destruction which we removed safely.

They asked us for democracy. No begged us for it. we have the majority of the world community agreeing with us.
Republicans are moral and democrats are liberal

Liberal cant possibly be moral, not like a republican can be moral

Oh and Bush won both elections fairly.
Messenger said:
Which Jews have been a major proponent of, in the same way that whites have been proponents of slavery in times past.

I cannot deny that the insect ranks of the ideological left contain a disproportionate number of jews - and quite frankly, I don't see the connection with your comment " ... in the same way that whites have been proponents of slavery in times past ... ".

I would remind you that it was "whites" who are the only people in the entire history of the world who actually ended the ancient human institution of slavery.

No, because the world free of the harmful influence of an intelligent minority demanding than anything other than the acceptance and assimilation of XENOs in western society would not be subject to London bombings, because all the fucking terrorists would be gone, and they could blow each other up in their own deserts.

To claim that were there no jews there would be no "Jihad", no "razzias", no "mujahadeen", no "Shahids", no doctrine of "Dar al Harb" and no "Sharia'a" is to deny the entire corpus of Islamic tenet, thought, jurisprudence and history.

Like Christianity...

No, not like Christianity at all. No where in Christian doctrine will you find the equivalent of any of the concepts I listed above - with the possible exception of "shahid" (martyr), and even then the difference is that in Islam a shahid is defined as a mujer (holy warrior) who is killed while engaged in violent jihad in the cause of allah; while in christianity a martyr is simply one who passively gives up one's life for witnessing to Christ. Islam alone, of all the worlds religions condones violence as a means of propagating the faith. Islam alone, of all the worlds religions names death as the punishment for apostacy.

No, Islam is not "like" Christianity in any way.

Like Nazism? Why?

I use Nazism for illustrative purposes, the parallel being that just as we didn't need to kill every German to 'de-nazify' central europe, so too we need kill only as many muslim scum as need killing until the rest realize that this Islam thing really isn't a good idea after all.

Then 'teh joo' has totally fooled you, and has made you antagonistic towards his current enemy.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Islam names me "kufr" and a dweller in "Dar al Harb" and therefore an enemy of Islam; therefore I will stand with the jews against the muslims.

TJHairball is the only leftist critter out of the pathetic lot of middle-class-acting, pompous ideological scum like Hambil, Wordin, and Caitriona, who is ready and able to at least try to debate most any issues presented before him.
Perhaps he has a life? If you feel so strongly about him, then maybe you should accost him the next time he is online and posts.

Oh, I'm waiting with great anticipation. Hairyballbag claimed that I, as a straight white male, am possessed of a host of "rights" that are denied to various Oppressed Identity Groups. I asked him to name these fabled "rights" that I possess and these others do not, and so far he's come up with pervert "marriage" and women in combat. He claims there are tons of others, but apparently couldn't list them for some reason.

As for your nice picture of your girlfriend watching Bush on TV, why don't you try addressing the point I made about Jihad being a core value of Islam and muslim scum like Bin Laden and al Zarqowi being "good muslims"?

Oh, and I like your new avatar. Much better than the gay clown.
from the opening article from Messenger:

Although the Bush administration continues to exploit September 11 to justify domestic spying, unprecedented spending and a permanent state of war, a new Zogby poll reveals that less than half of the American public trusts the official 9/11 story or believes the attacks were adequately investigated.

The conclusion of the 9/11 Commission was that every provision of the Patriot Act should have been enacted before 9/11. Better communication between the FBI and CIA, surveillance of terror suspects and their financial activities, it all went into effect with the signing of that much-maligned bill.

I guess that means 70 million people complain the Patriot Act goes too far and needs to be repealed, and these same 70 million are angry the Patriot Act wasn't implemented soon enough to stop 9/11.

When Bush's critics make up their minds, maybe he'll have something to respond to besides their contradictive criticism.
