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A Killer Whale killed a trainer


Shock. Horror. Isn't it terrible, etc etc.

Well, yes it is, but then the animal is a fucking enormous KILLER shark, that should really be in a gigantic ocean. What else is it expected to do? MAKE DAISY CHAINS?

This wouldn't happen if they used MECHA-SHARKS.
First the killer whales are dangerous, next they will be stopping people stroking the strangle snake, and the bite your balls off badger.

My brother works for Busch Gardens which is owned by the same company as SeaWorld, he says they're all hush hush about this. I THINK THERE'S A SECRET ORCA CONSPIRACY.
Release it into the Ocean. Oh, and if I where at that event, I'd sue them into oblivion, then maybe they might learn a thing or two.
The shock comes from the fact that this is the third person this whale has killed, and she was by all accounts one of the best trainers in the world. The shock also comes from the lack of preparedness by SeaWorld. Have rescue teams standing by. Putting a fucking bullet in the whales brain before you let the trainer drown if you have to. Christ.
Considering the actual show consists of performers flying upwards out of the water on the nose of these 5 ton killing machines I don't think that there is any safety procedures you could put in place to prevent the danger present short of scrapping the whole thing. It's a wonder it doesn't happen more often.

If there was any doubt of the ownage credentials of these creatures:
