A little project I'm working on - Lost - (Need Help)


Staff member
I had a bit of time off to myself today so I decided to fire up Sony Vegas and make a video.

I thought that the song White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane would be perfect for a Lost video and I have started quite well.

The point of this thread is that I want all the lyrics to match scenes from Lost.


Here is what is competed so far:

Video starts with a clip from the episode White Rabbit where Locke and Jack are talking about his hallucinations which fades in to the track

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
A clip of Locke showing the two "go" pieces to Walt.

And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all

Jack popping pills

Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall

Young Ben seeing his mother (who is dressed like Alice handily)

And if you go chasing rabbits
Ben chasing his white rabbit obviously.

And you know you're going to fall

Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Eko getting killed by the smoke monster

Has given you the call

Call Alice

Michael killing Libby

When she was just small

Charlie holding one of the Virgin Mary statues

When men on the chessboard
Get up and tell you where to go
And you've just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving slow
Go ask Alice
I think she'll know

When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"
Remember what the dormouse said;


The non-bolded parts are still up for grabs. Help me complete the video Mine Field. I will credit everyone who helps. So give me suggestions of clips that would fit the lyrics that haven't been done yet.



Be patient till the last.
wow. just wow.
too bad I don't have time right now to help...I will later if no one else has...


Boobie inspector
And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"

Has got to be a Charlotte scene, maybe her dying scene

Remember what the dormouse said;

One of the experimental mice in oxford


Is this real life?
"Go ask Alice
I think she'll know"

I'd imagine some part of the episode where Locke goes to Jacob's cabin would work well there, since Jacob knows all.

Btw, great song choice. One of my faves and very Lostish.


Staff member
Yeah I had the same exact idea. I wanted the scene with Claire (Alice) in the cabin with Christian when Locke goes there but she's talking in all her one shot so it kinda ruins it.



I want to smell dark matter
When men on the chessboard

Maybe Desmond walking right through the path of Mrs Hawkings big swinging pendulum in the Lamp Post?

Get up and tell you where to go

I'm sure there must be ANY NUMBER of scenes with characters pointing. Or how about when Eko died and Locke read the thing written on his Jesus stick after they buried him (episode after he died I think)...there might have been a cool shot of Locke looking up after reading the stick.

And you've just had some kind of mushroom

There was an episode in season one where Locke gave Boone some kind of fungus to enduce hallucinations. So...something from that.

And the White Knight is talking backwards

Jack telling Kate "we have to go back" in the season three finale...as he's the white knight and what he was saying seemed "backwards" at the time as they'd been trying so long to get off the island.
And you know you're going to fall

There are a lot of great falls, but I think I'd check out the footage where Locke gets shot by Ben and falls into the pit where the dharma bodies are.


I want to smell dark matter
I'm trying to think of a particularly "sloppy" death scene.


Boobie inspector
How about the skeleton of Roger workman with the stick holding his head on?


moral imperfection
'sloppy death' reminds me of Nikki and Paulo being buried alive... more precisely, the moment Sawyer shovels sand on Nikki as she opens her eyes - Exposé, 3. Season, 14th ep.


Is this real life?
Good call. Their whole storyline was sloppy in general!


I want to smell dark matter
The ending should be something totally crazy like Jacob throwing Locke and Ben about in the cabin or the Smoke Monster slaughtering Widmore's men.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Feed your head.. could be Hurley licking the ranch dressing, lol.


Staff member
I'll try to get some more done tonight or tomorrow. Definitley got some more scenes to fill now.



I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter