A Nightmare on Elm Street

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Decided on the spur of the moment to go see the remake. I'm sitting in the theater waiting for it to start. So far I'm literally the only person in the theater. It's kind of odd. I will post my review later this evening.


Retired Account
chop chop then asshole i wanna know :p


beer, I want beer
He dozed off during the opening credits and Freddy kilt his ass.


Retired Account

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Sorry. Meant to post this last night.
OK. Here's the verdict. I'm not going to include any spoilers, not that there is that much to be surprised about, if you've seen the original. It wasn't a bad film. It was enjoyable, but slightly disappointing. It's not a remake, exactly. It's more of a reboot, as seems to be the trend lately. There were some iconic scenes (like Nancy in the bathtub) that were included, but for all intents and purposes, it was a new movie. I felt that it lacked the depth and creepiness that the original did, and Freddy didn't seem quite "right". This could possibly be just due to nostalgia of having grown up with the original. However, they told the back story well, and the acting was very good.

I thought it was odd that some of the names were changed. For example, Nancy Thompson is now Nancy Holbrook, and none of the other names or characters are the same. It's unclear to me why they did that, but it wasn't overly distracting. I think it was a pretty good movie overall. I might see it again when it comes out on DVD, but I doubt it. Like the Friday the 13th remake, I enjoyed it but there was nothing really special about it.


Retired Account
torrent times


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ur ruthless dude...
When I heard the new actor speak in the trailer he just didn't seem to have that funny/creepy Robert Englund voice. i too will watch it on dvd when it comes out.