A note on Human Posession: musings


Elder Statesman
One cannot really "posses" another person, save under very specific circumstances.

"He/She is MINE" is the most ridiculous statement ever. I should know. I have "owned" people in ways most never imagine. Body, mind, and soul, "anything" I wanted, symbolized every day by a collar and a Name and a ring...and utterances that go beyond vows.

The "Posessee", even if you go into "High protocol" D/s circles, still always has the choice, even if they have only ONE choice. To be there, or not.

It appears to be human nature to want control, either the obvious version of the one Holding the control, or the more subtle control of being in their "place", even if they are in a submissive space. The leash has two ends.

So I watch the dilettantes, which is most of you, who have not studied Power and possession with any degree of discipline. So many only know "need", not why, not how, and not what they truly want. They only have some, vague idea that they want love, and they want control, and they want "that person" to be "theirs". How foolish.

I am successful ONLY because I choose carefully. My ego is such that I do not need every woman out there to love me. Only the "special" ones, the ones who have jagged, raw edges that match my own tears and wounds. For that woman, I can be what they want. And they might become "mine", for I will fulfill things that others cannot. That is the power. She still has the choice, she just learns that giving what I offer up is too expensive to consider.

That sounds a little frightening, doesn't it? However, I further offer this: I take the responsibility. Many don't. Or many try, but don't know what it is they promise, and this is the difference between the novice and the Master. That is the key. The wise slave watches for that acceptance, and it is what makes me rare.

Jealousy is the most useless of emotions. It has it's purpose, but only for the young. You cannot posses a person. You can only give them a place for them to sit next to you, and a choice to stay there.
