Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi is Dead.

Or until it's paraded before the American public on a flatbed while crowds on raised platforms are encouraged to piss in his rigor mortis'ed fuckin' face.
Here's ten bucks! Bring me the head of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, alright? I wanna drink beer out of his empty head! I wanna have a Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi skull keg party at my apartment, ok?! You make the bombs, we'll drink the beer out of your head.

*credit to Denis Leary
I think he died while fucking a bomb myself, he just clenched at a bad time and wooops!

The generals just wanted to get the credit for his death!

All al Qaida's base are belong to teh Lollipop Guild.

Step on one cockroach, it doesn't matter much, there'll be a new "boogieman" to take his place soon enough.

Until the young men in the Middle East have something better to do (I.e. a job that pays in cash and prestige better than being a terrorist) the supply will be endless. Right now if a young man makes money at a "legitmate" job, another young man with a gun and support of an "orginization" will just take everything he worked for (money, family...life). So why even try? Why not be a terrorist "martyr", get prestiege, respect, money for the family (even if you aren't around long-term to enjoy it...what do they have to loose?)?

I'm glad we got this particular guy, but his replacement will have to make a "reputation" by being more extreme and violent. Nothing has changed.
Sadistic Bastard said:

Step on one cockroach, it doesn't matter much, there'll be a new "boogieman" to take his place soon enough.

Of course. Even when the news channels were parading this factoid around (Guarantee Bush mentions it in the near future) they told the tale like the master storytelling propagandists they are.

They never failed to mention how 'there were many more!,' like it was a pilot episode of a Saturday morning cartoon.

I'm surprised one Iraqi correspondant had the balls and authority to answer 'No' to the question of whether or not this will have any real effect on the insurgency.
You guys are missing the point. It helps to build morale for our soldiers.

The pilot will always have the ability to say

"I dropped the bomb on that bastard!" and will get the respect of his fellow servicemen and women!

We already know these bastards are used to dying and yes just like a roach they will just show up with another one. Should we stop exterminating them then? Hell no... they supply us with targets for our weapons, lets keep it up till we run out of targets!

And of course... this is Bush's war... he like to use it to monger people into letting him get his way and to place more fucked up freedom oppressing laws on our backs! And the majority of America including the fucked up liberals are ALL for it!
I think the soldiers know what's going on their better than anyone. One simple insurgency leader dead isn't going to make up for the way the military has been neglecting them for years.
Messenger said:
I think the soldiers know what's going on their better than anyone. One simple insurgency leader dead isn't going to make up for the way the military has been neglecting them for years.

Still not getting the point! You idiots are 1 track closeminded numbnuts!

No matter how insignificant the event they still like to run around and brag about it! They know this is not a show stopper! But its a good excuse to throw a party! And of course bragging rights to say "We got the fucker!"
Astral said:
Still not getting the point! [STRIKE]You idiots are 1 track closeminded numbnuts![/STRIKE]
See, I thought we would be able to have a civil discussion, except that once again you don't seem able to keep your bullshit to yourself. You have serious rage problems, my son.
Astral said:
I'm a fucking idiot.
Messenger said:
See, I thought we would be able to have a civil discussion, except that once again you don't seem able to keep your bullshit to yourself. You have serious rage problems, my son.


I may not be civil but at least I am far beyond your intellectual capabilities! There is nothing wrong with taking my rage out on retards like you!
Bush's televised gloating over Zarqawi backfires

No sooner did boy blunder invoke the memory of victims allegedly beheaded by Zarqawi than WaPo quoted Michael Berg, the father of one of the victims as saying that he felt no sense of relief at the killing of Zarqawi and that only "the end of the war and getting rid of George Bush" would give him satisfaction.


(Who remembers that little trollop? Jessica Lynch? Also staged.)

The news this morning is that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the militant who led an insurgent campaign of suicide bombings, kidnappings and hostage beheadings, died in a US-led air strike by two F-16 fighters which dropped 500 pound bombs on his "safe house" north of Baghdad,

At about the same time that this bombing took place, the news was:

The Iraqi Parliament has approved Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's candidates for defence and interior ministers, ending wrangling that had threatened to plunge the new Government into crisis.

The vote took place shortly after Mr Maliki, who has pledged to crush a Sunni Arab insurgency, announced that Al Qaeda's leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, had been killed.