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All Things SNL

I didn't laugh. ;)

I like and lust Tim-O-Tay, but the sketches this week were lame. His musical performances were olay. I wonder what he would sound like if he did his own songs instead of Dylan...
I laughed.
Did you watch Dave Chappelle? What did you think?

I guess the next episode will be aired Sat Feb 15th and there will be a 3 hour 50th anniversary special the next day....?
I didn't watch Dave Chapelle. I doubt I will.

I watched the new 4-part SNL documentary on Peacock. It was good, although they chose to focus on some specific points and topics.

Then again, the history of the show has been covered in at least a half-dozen docus and specials over the last 20 years.
What was your favorite part about the SNL 50th anniversary special?

If I were cool I would make a whole separate thread and analyze each sketch, musical artist etc etc

Just kidding, it belongs right here.

Did any parts get you emotional?

Did you see Jimmy Fallon laughing behind Fred Armison? That was great. And did you hear Eddie Murphy laughing during weekend update? Fucking awesome.

For those that want to come in and puff their own egos and say how unfunny the whole night is or how boring current SNL is fuck you, you don't need to come in and comment that. Think of something better.
I don't have any interest in watching it but I know a number of female celebrities I like attended the show such as Scarlett Johansson, Anya Taylor-Joy and Sabriana Carpenter. That's all I ever know.
I'm just kidding you can give dissenting views. I just finished watching all of it. And it was good, apparently the only 2 that were not there was Bill Hader and Dan Aykroyd. That is pretty amazing. Oh and Dana Carvey.
Bill Hader did do a volkswagon commercial for the special however.

Anyway it seems the 2 focus for media was that and the murders comment. But there was so much more awesome stuff and memories.
My 3 favorite bits:

3. Steve Martin's monologue
2. Adam Sandler's song
1. Laraine Newman & 'Chad' digital short (I'm sure nobody will agree w/me on this) -- they need to have Laraine come back and host.

Overall I was surprised how much the special was like a normal episode, with new sketches everywhere. Some of the old characters didn't need to come back, like Kristen Wiig's Donneese (Tiny Hands). And even tho I'm a big Broadway fag, I was underwhelmed by the John Mullaney/Lin-Manual Miranda musical overview of NYC. It seemed like a good idea but it wasn't fully cooked -- also it badly needed more rehearsal.

And WTF was that Li'l Wayne/Roots song doing in there? It had nothing to do with SNL in any way. Did Fallon insist on giving them a spot since the Roots are the house band on his tepid Tonight Show? At least the Miley Cyrus/Sinead O'Connor cover made sense -- they were subtly admitting that Sinead was right about the Catholic church covering up centuries of sexual abuse, and they were wrong to throw her under the bus back then for tearing up the Pope's photo.

Other sketches were funny, but I feel like overall, the early years got the shaft even tho there were plenty of people there from the 70s/80s.
We're about a third of the way through the show so far. Up to the Weekend Update segment. So far, so good. I'm glad they went with Black Jeopardy, because Celebrity Jeopardy would not have been the same without Norm MacDonald's Turd Ferguson.
Thank you Eggs! Thank you Kyehlar and Captain Wacky Anya and Scarlett and Sabrina looked amazing!

I am watching the music segment finally. Wow, another 3 hours! I thought I could just listen to it in the background today as I did work, but I am glued to the screen.

Also, something that warms my heart is that there are all of these celebrities together and they are able to enjoy a concert and a show. I know I know, they are rich, they can do whatever they want, but I feel like this is different for them and it makes me happy.
I think we're getting another Austin Powers movie, and this is why Mike Myers has been involved since the 50th. He needs to re-up his reputation.

Kinda like Adam Sandler at the Oscars last night. Ya know Happy Gilmore 2 is coming out soon.
Nothing needs to be said, it was perfect, it was Lady G. Nobody calls her that. It was Lady Gaga. And I haven't even finished watching it yet but everybody says it was perfect, so it must be. I believe it to be.

I am sad that there will be a hiatus until April (or end of March) (I can't remember)
