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Am I going to get Fucking Pissed Off Again?

He worked for more than fifty years on the transformation of a natural old-growth eucalyptus forest into a unique place of spiritual renewal and quiet reflection. The sanctuary reflects a spirit of place expressed through one man’s dream
Actually, as I entered my forest scene, one thing only gently and silently came to rest before my wandering eyes and searching soul, that somehow I was related to the pure water gushing from a silent spring in the side of the mountain, and the inspirational intuitional thrill illumed my whole man was and is that if the key to this compelling and beautiful mystery of life is now entrusted into my hands, then surely my dream of a mountain of Remembrance Holy Mountain can be realised and then other people can climb up and see and feel for themselves something of their own true place in the universe. For them to feel the cosmic rhythms they are immersed in would lead them to see and feel for themeselves that my relation to the pure water flowing from a silent spring on the silent mountain was more than just a human consciousness of feeling and seeing.
In truth, this more than human consciousness in myself was my childlike nature, reverence for life and, with the greatest of all powers love, expressing my life as essence a water image in the holy mountain, and in this way I found the most beautiful form of unity in diversity, realising the truth of the spirit that interdependence means that no one thing can endure unto itself. Thus my tortured and inspired life began.
I have lived with the Aboriginal people of Central Australia and became deeply impressed by the truth that the Aboriginal people had mastered a way of life. This life, based on the systems of totems, perfectly equates man with his environment. The blundering entrance of the white man into their delicately balanced system began the ruin not only of the Aboriginal people, but also their culture.
To me, this is more truly a way of life than a physical thing, you must become identified with that which gives you life - 'you must have your roots in the right places'. Unity in diversity realising the truth of the Spirit. This living Divine unity of Forests, Earth and Water is the only real and living voice.