
Be patient till the last.
I stayed up til 11:30 PM and it felt like a big "meh" - even after the teary reunions of sweethearts.


Be patient till the last.
so were the guys on the plane that flew off alive?


Is this real life?
There's every reason to assume that Freckles, Chesty, Sulu, "Moy baaaaaaybbaaaaay" and Eyeliner got off the island just fine and died in their beds at a ripe old age, surrounded by people they didn't give enough of a shit about to meet up with in purgatory (or all their loved ones had no issues, so they went straight to heaven).

Anyway, yeah, I liked it. I found it very satisfying, despite the fact that the more I think about it, the more things I realise weren't explained or even touched on. But somehow I don't mind about all that. I guess I'm just a sucker for emotional flashbacks and string music.


Boobie inspector
Only thing that is cupcakeling at me today is that Jack's son wasnt real, I didnt like the way Locke smiled when he told him he had no son.

Something else I realised that was quite good, was back in the first episode of this season, not only was Jack's neck bleeding, he also had the appendix scar in the same place as the fatal wound Locke gave him.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I tuned in for a bit, got a headache within three minutes of watching it, then turned it off.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Nah, I loved it. I'm going to watch it again this weekend. Now that I know the ending, it gives deeper meaning to every scene, even "throwaway" lines like when Kate tells Jack, "I've missed you so much."


I also liked it, even though there were still many things unanswered. That's our burden to bear, though, and answering all the questions about everything would take away the mystery that we'll enjoy when we obsessively watch the series a third and fourth time.


Boobie inspector
I think the whole series will benefit from a re watch now we know where it was heading.


The finale was half sappy reunions and flashbacks/clipshow, and half trite and meaningless action scenes. And even after all that they still manage to pull out a WTF ending essentially rendering half of the sixth season irrelevant.

There was nothing original or interesting about the island plot in this episode. Every single scene was a blatant rip of various action movie standbys (remove object from cave and all hell breaks loose/last minute dash to escape disintegrating surroundings/climactic one-on-one final battle with apocalyptic setting etc.) that revealed nothing about the plot or characters.

I have noticed that many of the people who liked the finale never mention the island plot. All they talk about is The Characters and how they somehow got satisfying farewells. But all I saw was scene after scene of two characters run in to each other, share an experience of oversaturated clips from previous episodes, a tearful embrace, then off to the concert. This was 90% of the sideways storyline. Then in the end we learn it was all a dream (or heaven/purgatory, different words same shit) so everything we just witnessed did not actually happen meaning we know nothing about what these characters are planning to do for the rest of their lives off the island.

In a way this is just like Voyagers "End Game" that was so universally panned. We made it home/we got off the island!....THE END. In both shows fans then had to counsel themselves with hypothetical timelines that got erased/didn't actually happen. Why does Lost get a pass for this but not Voyager.

Seriously you guys would probably have been happy with two and a half hours of the cast hanging out at a bar, laughing it up and reminiscing about old days over food and beer. In fact that probably would have been a more satisfying ending.


Let's fuck some shit up
Yeah, Voyager was craptacular.

Lost was set on a non-moving island, but you felt like it actually went somewhere. Whereas Voyager was set on a moving ship, but it didn't go anywhere.


I'm speaking specifically about being deprived of any knowledge of both shows characters lives after the conclusion of their journey (save for Hurly, Ben, and dead Jack). For instance, I assume Kate will be arrested when she gets home for breaking her parole terms (leaving the state). Happy endings all around.


Is this real life?
I agree it would've been nice to find out what they all did when they got off the island, but if they just returned to reasonably uneventful lives, then it probably would've been pretty boring, once the initial novelty of them getting home had passed.

Of course, despite the claims now that there'll be no movie or other follow ups, they could always explore that at some point in the future.


Let's fuck some shit up
It might have been better if, right before the ending credits they put up:


...until they died violent deaths


Let's fuck some shit up
I'm speaking specifically about being deprived of any knowledge of both shows characters lives after the conclusion of their journey (save for Hurly, Ben, and dead Jack). For instance, I assume Kate will be arrested when she gets home for breaking her parole terms (leaving the state). Happy endings all around.

Yeah, and how do you explain Richard Alpert to the INS, Sawyer and Claire (who the Oceanic Six said were dead), and returning a missing commercial airliner minus the passengers?