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The problem some people have with Lost's ending is that in the rich tapestry of fantasy/sci-fi mystery the show created, people forgot that the show has always been about redemption. Since day one. All the other stuff was just storytelling, sometimes fantastic, sometimes not so much, but personal redemption was always the central story from Sayid to Locke to Sawyer to Ben etc. It was allegory, and in allegorical stories the end matters only in what lessons come with it. The people in the church were all redeemed in their own fashions; Ben, while well on his way, stayed outside; Ana Lucia, still stuck in her own mind, wasn't "ready"> One wonders about characters like Eko and Michael and Walt; were they redeemed earlier? Were they not yet ready? Maybe Walt isn't even dead yet in the finale.

Ultimately, we have to respect Lost for what it really was: a television show produced with a huge concept, a huge cast, and very quickly a huge rabid following. And in spite of being produced with very real setbacks and mid-story adjustments and star egos and departures etc., they still managed to entertain the hell out of us for six whole years.

Six years on primetime network tv in the age of low-budget reality crap programming. Not too many shows can say that with the same degree of confidence. Not even classic Trek...
I don't care what happens to the people who made it off the island.. I mean I don't want them to have crappy lives or anything, but once their experience on the island was over I imagine their lives went back to normal. Except for Hurley and Ben... but I imagine that their lives on the island weren't all that eventful with the MiB gone.

Everything that happened on the island happened, so I don't know what the problem with the island side of the story is. They had to put out the light so they could kill the MiB, they had to turn it back on so the world wouldn't end (or whatever). The sideways world was real enough to them, because they made it real.
I was disappointed with Lost ending because it was one of the best shows on tv and I'll miss watching it and talking about it on the internet.

I was not specifically disappointed with the finale because I could tell by how the season was going that it wasn't going to address certain aspects of the show anyway.

I do have problems overall with the handling of the show's mythology which I will outline in a future essay to be published in the Mine Field.

Voyager fucking sucked.
I'm not saying seeing how the characters move on after the story is absolutely necessary. I just did not feel that the events in the sideways reality this episode provided any sort extra insight or closure to the characters, for the most part. It was feel good, but hollow and empty in the end.

I fully expected that the sideways reality would become the real one after Smokey was killed and the island was saved, with everyone inheriting memories from their time on the island. If this actually happened and the characters were given screen time to thoughtfully consider both versions of their lives we might have a much more real sense of closure. Also Sawyer could be with Juilet, Jack could be with Kate (assuming she works out her legal problems), Jin and Sun would be alive and able to take care of their kid, Sayid could be with Shannon, Charlie with Clair etc. They would be able to take with them the best aspects of both worlds, true redemption for their trials on the island. Jacob would come off as much less of a dick for condemning so many to death because he could not make up his mind. And there would be a sense finality in knowing the island, being sunk at the bottom of the ocean, is probably protected for good.

But the one question they actually bothered to answer this episode destroyed one of the only things that did not really need an explanation, the point and purpose of the sideways reality. It was the "afterlife" all along. Great. So all the feel good reunions we got to see this episode were pointless, especially those involving dead people. Am I supposed to feel happy that Jin and Sun got to see their newborn son? They are still dead.

They could have really pulled some of this together but they sabotaged themselves for no good reason.

As for the island plot, yea it happened but did so in as cliched and by the numbers method possible. No explanations onto the nature of the island were given, a question that most certainly demanded some kind of answer, or even insight. All we learned was that the light comes out off a hole in a cave that needs a cork in it else it goes boom. This all powerful evil force that could destroy the world if let out can apparently be contained by a 100 pound rock.

I guess it was a magic rock, that explains it, just like everything else on the island.
The answer to the island was "turn it off, then on again" just in case people didn't get it, they had Juliette spell it out to James.
So would it have made you happy if they'd just said "WELL YES THE ISLAND IS SPECIAL BECAUSE OF THE ELECTROMAGITISM MEETING CHRONITONS THAT CREATE A TACHYON FIELD WHICH IS HOW IT HAS POWERS.", because the only way they could answer questions like that is with "It's just magic." or pure technobabble, both of which actually mean nothing which is why it's better left a mystery.

See: midichlorians.
The Island uses the same technology they use in facial creams for women.

Nucleopeditic chromopatterns that blend with the peptic atomins in your dermic layer
I think the island is a power reactor for some space aliens that came to earth thousands of years ago. These are the same aliens that inspired the pyramids in India, Egypt, and Central/South America. If the reactor isn't kept cool, the whole thing would go critical and destroy the planet. We're just patsies for a race FAR more intelligent than all of us.
Perhaps then the island is powered by a super-sized version of the Enterprise D's warp core. We all know how unstable that thing is. One errant cosmic ray passes through the holodeck and the whole ship goes boom before Troi can say "what's a warp core breach"

What is it with the future and their unstable power generation. Our power plants and engines might be dirty but at least they don't blow the fuck up if someone spills coffee on a control panel. Even nuclear power plants give you time to escape before you are eaten by a tentacle lazer tree.
So would it have made you happy if they'd just said "WELL YES THE ISLAND IS SPECIAL BECAUSE OF THE ELECTROMAGITISM MEETING CHRONITONS THAT CREATE A TACHYON FIELD WHICH IS HOW IT HAS POWERS.", because the only way they could answer questions like that is with "It's just magic." or pure technobabble, both of which actually mean nothing which is why it's better left a mystery.

See: midichlorians.

When you work from what they've presented into the show and try to craft a coherent reason for why the Island is the way it is, yes, it's impossible and sounds ultra dumb. What you want to be doing is starting from the answers and having the mysteries grow out of that. That didn't happen on Lost, and it's why the series feels so disjointed to some people (like me!).
So would it have made you happy if they'd just said "WELL YES THE ISLAND IS SPECIAL BECAUSE OF THE ELECTROMAGITISM MEETING CHRONITONS THAT CREATE A TACHYON FIELD WHICH IS HOW IT HAS POWERS.", because the only way they could answer questions like that is with "It's just magic." or pure technobabble, both of which actually mean nothing which is why it's better left a mystery.

See: midichlorians.

Midichlorians. MIDICHLORIANS!?!?! What do you think ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERMERGY was? Giant electro-magnets cure cancer who knew! This was the shit that Dharma spent like 30 years studying. I guess we are supposed to believe that after all that time they never figured out anything not even some general rules explaining some of its behavior. Probably the buttons fault.

If the show did not try to initially make it sound all scientific maybe I would not care. I think around three episodes ago some rocket scientist finally convinced the writers that electromagnetism does not have magical properties even at high energies. OH NOES WHAT DO WE DO NAO??? I KNOW, IT WAS MAGIC ALL ALONG! THE ISLAND WAS ALWAYS MAGICAL! AND IT GLOWS! GENIUS
Well, we're hoping to attach ourselves to SGU or Caprica but so far neither show has been on the level of Lost or Battlestar Galactica. They could be, someday!
The Gates
An Ordinary Family
Boardwalk Empire
The Cape

Just to name a few with potential.

I'm giving Abram's new show a pass - he can stick around and complete his visions instead of handing them off to worthless hacks or he can go fuck himself.
I'm not into SGU, but I'm gonna watch the fuck out of Caprica when it comes back in October. Another show that's reappearing in October: Metalocalypse!