And then on Friday the 24th of June, 2016...

The Question

The United Kingdom awoke to discover that it was no longer under Brussels' thumb. :D


beer, I want beer
Dumbest fucking thing they ever did.

The Question

I absolutely agree. The rest of Europe finally had them conquered, and were importing hundreds of thousands of muslims in the hopes that Europe would next be done in... and then the English go and do this.

Why the absolute gall! Demanding local policymaking and local representation of local interests... why, just who do these peasants think they are?! Every good subject knows (by which I mean 'has been raised to believe uncritically') that only distant, out-of-touch elites know what is best for them!

And what of poor little George Soros? For the love of god, won't somebody think of poor little George Soros?!

The Question

Of course, there are plenty of angry Scots and Irish who, apparently, had grown accustomed to servicing Angela Merkel's flabby, furry vaginus.