what was funny was on my last bb, i flirted lots on the bb and on my webcam, so lots of men sent me pics of their cocks even though I never asked. well I took about 20 and started a thread for people to try to match the cock to the name. it was hysterical because I used most married mens cocks. the wives there threatened to track me down and kill me. I hear more than one marrage broke up. one wife tried to buy the bb just to ban me. they finally got heir wish.
not my fault if their husbands were not into middle aged fat hags.
ps at a bb gathering i took lots of pics and made a choice few go ballistic and call lawyers to threaten legal action
Those were The Best Tomes Ever.
I could not stop laughing, I laughed so hard thatI thought I was going to die.
They made the owner not only ban me but delete my three years of posts.