Anti-Defamation League/House of Representatives vs. The First Amendment

The Question

Found this on another board; the word needs to get out.

USMC0311 said:

In a surprising move, the House of Representatives on September 14, 2005 approved "The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005," HR2662, as an amendment to the Children'S Safety Act, HR3132. It was approved 223-199.

The Senate is expected to also approve a similar amendment within a month.

This federal legislation, orchestrated by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith will lead to creation of a vast anti-hate bureaucracy in America, similar to what now exists in Canada. In Canada it is a "hate crime" to publicly criticize such federally protected groups as homosexuals and Jews. In Canada free speech talk radio no longer exists. It is even illegal now in some areas to evangelize or "proselytize" in public.
HR2662, S1145, while ostensibly punishing only violent hate crimes, nevertheless creates an anti-hate bureaucracy through several means:

1. It breaks down all barriers between federal and states, rights in law enforcement. It allows federal "thought police" to meddle, upon the flimsiest of pretexts, in states, enforcement of civil rights laws.

2. It requires all states to pass and enforce ADL-style anti-hate laws.

3. It enforces nationwide the working ADL definition of "hate" as being "bias" against federally protected groups, such as homosexuals. Such automatically makes the Bible into "hate literature" and preaching from it into "hate speech." Result: Bible-believing Christians become potential hate criminals.

The nation was aghast last October 10th when the ADL'S national executive board member, Lynne Abraham, D.A. of Philadelphia, arrested 11 Christians as hate criminals. Her charge: Their preaching was "biased" against homosexuals. They were "hate criminals" because they used an "instrument of crime" (a megaphone) to express "hate speech," (Bible verses) against homosexuals.

If this "big brother legislation" becomes law, the ADL and federal government will, through enabling legislation and judicial precedents, be exponentially empowered to indict Christians. Pastors, talk show hosts, publishers, critics of Israel, etc. will be liable to arrest just like the Philadelphia Eleven.


Approval by the House last week does not mean that the members of the House or Senate, by granting approval, will have cast their final vote on this Orwellian legislation. Approving an amendment to a bill is not the same as passing a bill on its own terms. Final approval will come only after conference between the House and Senate decides whether this hate bill, in amendment form, should be included in passage of a children'S protection bill. Until then, members of the House and Senate are free to change their votes. It is vital that all lovers of freedom and free speech protest now!

Last spring, on June 15, this same legislation was approved by the Senate in amendment form. However, largely as a result of non-stop, wide publicity against it by the National Prayer Network, and many talk-show hosts, it was defeated in conference between the House and Senate on Oct 8, 2004. The same can happen again if Americans will raise a holy howl of protest against the theft of our First Amendment freedoms.


To protest to your members of Congress, call toll free 1-877-762-8762.
It is time to get educated fast on the dangers of hate crime legislation. Ted Pike'S gripping video documentary, "Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians," (now available on DVD) will give you, your pastor, and your church or civic club a complete education on the origins and ambitions of hate laws worldwide.
Come to to order this video online at $24.90 postage paid or to read many more articles on 'anti-hate' laws.

Ted Pike 503-631-3808
PO Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015


New Member
It is even illegal now in some areas to evangelize or "proselytize" in public.
It enforces nationwide the working ADL definition of "hate" as being "bias" against federally protected groups, such as homosexuals. Such automatically makes the Bible into "hate literature" and preaching from it into "hate speech." Result: Bible-believing Christians become potential hate criminals.
The nation was aghast last October 10th when the ADL'S national executive board member, Lynne Abraham, D.A. of Philadelphia, arrested 11 Christians as hate criminals. Her charge: Their preaching was "biased" against homosexuals. They were "hate criminals" because they used an "instrument of crime" (a megaphone) to express "hate speech," (Bible verses) against homosexuals.

Does this mean all the christians will quit preaching on Mill Ave during the weekends? I'm sure many a people will not miss them. This won't pass, no way in hell. Bush will use any means necessary to strike it down.....While I might be inclined to agree to a bill similar to this...this one is just a bit....too radical for me.

The Question

Miranda said:
Does this mean all the christians will quit preaching on Mill Ave during the weekends? I'm sure many a people will not miss them.

Their families will. This kind of legislation, if passed, will see people end up incarcerated for nothing more than voicing certain politically incorrect opinions.


New Member
Which is why I said it seemed to radical for me. I mean shit, who knows if this legislation is passed I could get arrested for calling you an asshole

The Question

Doubtful -- as a straight white man, I'm squarely in the middle of the one group not protected by hate crimes legislation past, present or (most likely) future.


New Member
here I am trying to funny and ya gotta shoot me down....jeesh.....*remember not to be funny around danny*


TAFKA Chadarnook
The Question said:
Doubtful -- as a straight white man, I'm squarely in the middle of the one group not protected by hate crimes legislation past, present or (most likely) future.

* There is more black-on-white than black-on-black violent crime.

* Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes of violence involving
blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites.
Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to
whites than the reverse.

* Blacks commit violent crimes at four to eight times the white rate.
Hispanics commit violent crimes at approximately three times the white rate,
and Asians at one half to three quarters the white rate.

* Blacks are twice as likely as whites to commit hate crimes.


I wonder if invoking these statistics in a debate would constitute hate-speech.

"The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005," HR2662, as an amendment to the Children'S Safety Act, HR3132. It was approved 223-199.

Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Springfield didn't get flood aid because someone tried to add an amendment to help fund the "perverted arts."

The Question

I think it also imperative to point out the rather ominous overtones inherent in the idea of "hate crime prevention".

It strikes me as being an eerily similar concept to the Marxist method for "preventing" crimes by "enemies of the state".


Grand Wizard of TK
This federal legislation, orchestrated by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith will lead to creation of a vast anti-hate bureaucracy in America, similar to what now exists in Canada. In Canada it is a "hate crime" to publicly criticize such federally protected groups as homosexuals and Jews. In Canada free speech talk radio no longer exists. It is even illegal now in some areas to evangelize or "proselytize" in public.

Welcome to Canada COMRADE!!!


Red Whacker

New Member
Originally Posted by USMC0311
This federal legislation, orchestrated by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith will lead to creation of a vast anti-hate bureaucracy in America, similar to what now exists in Canada. In Canada it is a "hate crime" to publicly criticize such federally protected groups as homosexuals and Jews. In Canada free speech talk radio no longer exists. It is even illegal now in some areas to evangelize or "proselytize" in public.

Off to protest...

...cause it's obvious that this shit isn't being properly enforced.