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Anybody having any issues post them here..

Brady Bunch Jan GIF by MOODMAN
I'm not sure why everyone is piling on Bick all of a sudden, aside from him being the only Turdforge operator type person who's willing to acknowledge responsibility for anything there. The rest of whomever them seem to be content to hide in the shadows, like the cockroaches they are.
It might be an insane asylum by your standards, but it's my insane asylum.

(Where's my Nurse Ratched costume?)
I'm not sure why everyone is piling on Bick all of a sudden, aside from him being the only Turdforge operator type person who's willing to acknowledge responsibility for anything there. The rest of whomever them seem to be content to hide in the shadows, like the cockroaches they are.
I think what it is is that I'm really pissed by...In Olden Dayes, when someone got out of line they got a warning. If they didn't change whatever behavior they were warned for they got banned--maybe just for an hour or two. If they still didn't learn they got banned for days, weeks, months, and maybe, eventally, "permanently." And even then "permanent" wasn't permanent. Face and Polarslam got brought back. But now that it is a cultlike echo chamber it's just "POOF! You're disappeared." Like the Soviet Union or "1984" or other totalitarian shitholes. And I hate that people I once respected, liked, and/or trusted are behind it. So when one of the few people there that I still had any respect for does it, it kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Felt like a betrayal.
I think what it is is that I'm really pissed by...In Olden Dayes, when someone got out of line they got a warning. If they didn't change whatever behavior they were warned for they got banned--maybe just for an hour or two. If they still didn't learn they got banned for days, weeks, months, and maybe, eventally, "permanently." And even then "permanent" wasn't permanent. Face and Polarslam got brought back. But now that it is a cultlike echo chamber it's just "POOF! You're disappeared." Like the Soviet Union or "1984" or other totalitarian shitholes. And I hate that people I once respected, liked, and/or trusted are behind it. So when one of the few people there that I still had any respect for does it, it kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Felt like a betrayal.
Oh I know, and you're right. I've actually moderated a few things here and there online and it's always a tightrope walk. Personally, I've always erred on the side of allowing pretty much anything aside from outright death threats or doxxing, etc. But man, the complaints about that from the people who really do want an echo chamber all to themselves. Mostly I just told those types to fuck off, but it does get annoying.

I'm not talking about here, btw. I have nothing to do with running this place and I wouldn't want to. I'd imagine it's a fairly annoying and thankless task.
For that matter--and I get this is a dead horse--I maintain that actual, substantive rep was a good thing; a level of community moderation. Put an angry face at the bottom of my post? Like I fucking care. But start taking away my green pips, moving me to red pips, and taking away my ability to rep in an effectual way and I might moderate my behavior. Don't believe it if you don't want to. Apparently no one does, but I do.
I think what it is is that I'm really pissed by...In Olden Dayes, when someone got out of line they got a warning. If they didn't change whatever behavior they were warned for they got banned--maybe just for an hour or two. If they still didn't learn they got banned for days, weeks, months, and maybe, eventally, "permanently." And even then "permanent" wasn't permanent. Face and Polarslam got brought back. But now that it is a cultlike echo chamber it's just "POOF! You're disappeared." Like the Soviet Union or "1984" or other totalitarian shitholes. And I hate that people I once respected, liked, and/or trusted are behind it. So when one of the few people there that I still had any respect for does it, it kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Felt like a betrayal.
Hold that thought.
I think what it is is that I'm really pissed by...In Olden Dayes, when someone got out of line they got a warning. If they didn't change whatever behavior they were warned for they got banned--maybe just for an hour or two. If they still didn't learn they got banned for days, weeks, months, and maybe, eventally, "permanently." And even then "permanent" wasn't permanent. Face and Polarslam got brought back. But now that it is a cultlike echo chamber it's just "POOF! You're disappeared." Like the Soviet Union or "1984" or other totalitarian shitholes. And I hate that people I once respected, liked, and/or trusted are behind it. So when one of the few people there that I still had any respect for does it, it kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Felt like a betrayal.
Ok, just got home. And I agree with you, which leads me to think you believe this didn't happen. It did -- just over a period of years, with the most recent 1 week ban when he spammed (beyond teh Baba levels) the Red Room with multiple threads calling Bailey a hypocrite. Does that address that particular grievance?
For that matter--and I get this is a dead horse--I maintain that actual, substantive rep was a good thing; a level of community moderation. Put an angry face at the bottom of my post? Like I fucking care. But start taking away my green pips, moving me to red pips, and taking away my ability to rep in an effectual way and I might moderate my behavior. Don't believe it if you don't want to. Apparently no one does, but I do.
I absolutely agree with you.
So I ran into a fun issue swapping over my email account. Looks like xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is actually being blocked by Google. I only managed to get it after pointing it to my work account and then going into my email routing to find the actual email.
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So I ran into a fun issue swapping over my email account. Looks like xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is actually being blocked by Google. I only managed to get it after pointing it to my work account and then going into my email routing to find the actual email.
Well that would explain why I could never get any confirmation emails from here.