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Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
L_G, did you see that shit, last night!? I totally called it, even if I was half-joking. There's been a lot of surprises this season, compared to seasons past, and I've only caught the 2nd half of this season! I love the multiple firings!

So, 2 contendors left: a tall, black man with a funny-looking nose vs. a white crippled cute white girl. Who's your pick?

Also, I hear the Apprentice is to be moving to CA. You planning on trying out?

Did you watch Martha's Apprentice? I must admit we were left with an overwhelming feeling of 'meh' and didn't watch a single episode.
I do watch Marth Stewart's Apprentice and you aren't kidding about the "meh"...I am wracking my brain trying to remember who got fired last week and I watched the whole damn season!

I only caught the firings last night, I was at a friend's house and she doesn't watch the Apprentice so I caught the last few minutes when I got home. I absolutely CAN NOT believe Donald fired Alla. I love Alla, she was my pick to win. I thought it would come down to Randall (the black guy with the funny nose) and Alla and Randall's only there because he's managed to stay under the radar but he's still better than the other girl, whose name I can't remember, Rachel I think? She's not crippled, she broke her foot playing hockey during one of the rewards. Randall's is going to win so I see almost no point in watching next week or the live finale.
I watch both. My BF called that it would come down to Randall and Rebecca. I'm rooting for Randall simply because I didn't think that Rebecca's attack on him during the radio task boardroom was called for.
I said about 6 weeks ago, the final two were going to be Randal and Rebecca.

And Randal will win it in a walk. WITHOUT CRUTCHES HAWR HAWR HAWR burp
Rebeccaaaa, that's right, she's so damn forgettable.

Yes, I pick Randall to win it as well. Let's face it, they're both at the end by shear luck but Randall just seems more intelligent.
Yeah... it's not that the best person wins the position, he's just the #1 loser. Of all the losers, he'll come in first!

I saw that she (Rebecca) busted her ankle on the ice in that clip show. (They had to do something to eat up air time since the Donald's been so "You're fired!" happy. I swear, I think he cums just a little bit every time he says that. (Oh, wait, they already made that joke on Drawn Together.))

Nobody's had as much charm or charisma as Troy from season 1. Everyone else has been pretty forgettable. Notorious, though? How about Omarosa? Or Raj? I guess there have been a couple "memorable" peeps after all.
They didn't do the interviews this year which surprised me. Every year Donald's CEO buddies put the last four candiates through a grueling interview process which takes two of them out. But not this year Wonder why.
I was impressed when Randall took full responsibility for that poster fuck up in the radio task, instead of trying to lay blame on others. I've rarely seen that on this show. That put him over the top with me.

I hope he wins. :)
Did we watch Martha Stewart last night? I did and I laaaaaughed. I truly believe that that nutball Jim is going to win. Martha will regret having to hire him, mark my words.
Oooooooh, I'm taking my bet back. Randal looks like he's biting the dust, Rebecca (a fool for bringing back Toral and for that alone should lose) may actually win that bitch. I really don't know if Donald will pick her, she's a smilin' fool and it irritates me.
Laker_Girl said:
Oooooooh, I'm taking my bet back. Randal looks like he's biting the dust, Rebecca (a fool for bringing back Toral and for that alone should lose) may actually win that bitch. I really don't know if Donald will pick her, she's a smilin' fool and it irritates me.


We missed last night's in lieu of celebrating my mom's b-day instead, but we READ about it at the Apprentice sight.

I thought Alla was going to go the distance, too, but have been somewhat impressed with Rebecca on the few shoes we've watched. However, I DID think Randall was going to take it in the end. Now? Hm.
Big Dick McGee said:

Nah, you're safe.

It's enjoybale enough to while away an hour, though. And it's funny to watch the bickering and fuck-ups, and think how much better you are than those ivy leaguers, young business owners, and prodigies and shit and then go back to eating your Top Ramen and talking shit about them at TK.
Laker_Girl said:
Oooooooh, I'm taking my bet back. Randal looks like he's biting the dust, Rebecca (a fool for bringing back Toral and for that alone should lose) may actually win that bitch. I really don't know if Donald will pick her, she's a smilin' fool and it irritates me.

Yeah, it does look like she's making out better. But both are getting hit with last minute glitches so it reamins to be seen how good they will actually do. There's always at least one fuck up for each task at the end.
^^It wouldn't be entertaining if there wasn't. ;) Luckily the winner isn't determined solely by the final task, Randal could win the job afterall.