Aquehonga to be permabanned soon:)


Un Banned
From the entirety of The Internets. A good reason why is threads like his mongoloid [name] thread in this forum.Not to mention all those retarded smiley laiden posts & mongrel over-abuse of words like aficionado & mugen.

Au revoire aquadouchenozzle. You're NOT a kewl troll! You're a retard.

Now fuck off & die aquatard you big cock.


New Member
Are you no longer getting the desired reaction? There are better ways to reignite the hate minor annoyance or impatience.

Can you think of any?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
He could try squeezing the base on the upstroke.

That always works for me.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
OK OK I know, I need some new material.

:::shakes off posting rust:::


New Member
I don't think we care either way.


New Member
Aquehonga: Then why post this reply Boll Weevil?
This has also been done.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Dooder, tread carefully....if I make yez a target, you'll regret it. You have not dealt with the likes of me before.

Of that I can PROMISE you.


Retired Account
Dooder, tread carefully....if I make yez a target, you'll regret it. You have not dealt with the likes of me before.

Of that I can PROMISE you.

he could always register a dual eh jack?


Retired Account
yer im setting up the video cam