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Are theatrical movies now irrelevant?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I was discussing this topic with some friends of mine awhile ago. We're all sci-fi/fantasy buffs; however we're even bigger T.V. geeks. Between the 3 of us we probably watch 50-100 shows a year, and that's not even counting American Football, golf, and other sports.

It's my contention that we're living in a veritable Golden Age of television. When Fox came around, the Big Three networks, television critics, and so-called arbiters of good taste saw it as a flash-in-the pan that wouldn't last, since the original programming included "crude" shows like Married with Children and Cops[/i/]. Today, Fox has some of the best shows on television.

Later, when cable channels proliferated with the speed and frequency of horny rabbits, we were once again told that quality television was dead. Rubbish. If anything, the explosion of niche channels like Sci-Fi, Spike, Oxygen, Logo, and even The Food Network, have fractured audiences such that a show like Battlestar Galactica needn’t have ten million eyeballs watching it to be safe from cancellation. Indeed, Spike TV recently posted their highest ratings ever with the premier of Blade: the Series, which scored a paltry-by-network standards 2.2 million viewers.

To circle back around to my original assumption, I believe that television has finally rendered theatrical film releases obsolete. Movie Industry types will of course poo-poo this notion, claiming that television shows don’t have enough money to spend on their shows, and thus cannot duplicate the effects and action of big-budget theatrical releases, to say nothing of hiring the best talent.

Again, I say rubbish. First of all, with technology becoming more and more democratized, it’s easier and easier to duplicate motion-picture effects on a television budget. Check out the season finale of Blade. It features a fight scene and effects that certainly rival those of most theatrical releases. Secondly, and more importantly, the lack of a budget oftentimes inspires more imaginative and clever storytelling. As I am sure you’re all aware, Rodenberry used the transporter and “beaming” simply because he could not afford to build replica models of shuttlecraft. So he created an iconic piece of storytelling that’s survived for 40 years.

With regard to not being able to hire talent comparable to that of theatrical films, I would beg to differ. I think it is much, much harder to make a character fully-realized and get people to emotionally invest themselves in a character week after week rather than for a 2.5 hour period. I think the best acting is being done on the small screen.

Thus, it is my assertion that television has made theatrical films obsolete. Honestly, think about it: How many films have you seen in the 9 months of 2006? How many were really and truly worth the money and the time investment? Now think about how many television shows you watch every week, religiously, without thought of ever missing an episode. I think you’ll find that if I’m not right, I’m close.

So, what do you think?
I can't even remember the last time I went to the movies. It's too expensive and even with all the fancy special effects the movie usually sucks ass. If it's something I really want to see, I just wait for it to come out on DVD.
Cassie said:
I can't even remember the last time I went to the movies. It's too expensive and even with all the fancy special effects the movie usually sucks ass. If it's something I really want to see, I just wait for it to come out on DVD.

Yeah I usually wait a few months until they come out on pay-per-view or one of the other movie channels.
Yup, that's my point. It's too much hassle and too expensive to see a movie, and if it sucks you've wasted an evening. With television, if you don't like what you're watching, you change the channel.

Last movie I saw was X:3 and it sucked hairy blue balls.
Big Dick McGee said:
Yup, that's my point. It's too much hassle and too expensive to see a movie, and if it sucks you've wasted an evening. With television, if you don't like what you're watching, you change the channel.

Last movie I saw was X:3 and it sucked hairy blue balls.

That's what happens when you have Fraiser Crane as Beast.
Last movie I saw was Episode 3 but I have...other issues which are not relevant to this topic which stop me going out more.

YES IT'S A GOOD POINT, BDM. Kind of a SHAME I feel, IF ANYTHING, what if all movies start going straight to DVD so they start making them cheaper and cheaper and they all SUCK and Keira Knightley kills herself because there's no work for filmstars, what then!?
I see maybe 2 or 3 movies a year in the theaters. It's just too easy to wait a few months to see/record it off PPV or cable.

And for the record, I don't mind paying $11 for a movie in theory. I do mind paying that much, and then having to actually sit through several COMMERCIALS in the theater before they even show previews. That takes balls. And you know they get universally negative feedback for doing it, yet they do it anyway, and keep adding more each year just to test people's limits. Is this the only way theaters can stay in business?
I hate the people who actually LAUGH at the commercials. I bet those people are happy to be getting the extra-long "movie versions" too. tEH sWINE.
You would be right, Wacky. What I end up doing, with regards to the commercials in front of the promos in front of the movie, is just your plain old theater hopping. You're already spending a great deal of money, if you can get away clean, I see no reason why you shouldn't help yourself to as many movies as you can stomach in an evening.

There are some films where it's totally worth it to see it in the theater - films where the general mood and feel of the audience enhances the theater experience.

A good example would be South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut. When we went to see it, giddy on mary jane and whiskey, we were ready to see some filth, and many people in the audience where of like mind. When Terrence and Phillip hit the screen with the ingenius "Uncle Fucker", just as people were getting up and leaving the theater on screen there were actual people getting up and leaving the theater right next to us. Priceless moment that could only have happened in the theater, and I hope the movie's creators were anticipating that.

So, yes, I agree most of Hollywood is schlock these days, but I hope the machine keeps going just on the off chance I feel like takin' in a flick at the local movie house.
It's funny becasue in the movie people were sneaking into see Not Without My Anus without paying WHICH IS WHAT YOU DID BUT NOT FOR THAT MOVIE, ACTUALY, SO NEVER MIND.

ALSO my tv isn't as big as a movei screen
Jackass 2, coming out this Friday, is one I'd love to see the first night it's open. I went to the theater opening night for the first one, laughed my ass off for two hours straight.
Do they show it on a digital screen? It's on videotape...I will never understand works done on digivideo still being called "films"'s like calling a painting a photograph...
I love going to the movies, more so when I lived back in Dallas and they had $1 theaters.

The last one I went to the movies for was POTC 2. I refused to go see X3.
